I Tried Changing the Oblivion.ini File Here Maybe you Can Edit it Properly
Download http://www.mediafire.com/?reba9j0zvrupp2c
I Change The ballowscreenshot=0 To ballowscreenshot=1
But It deosnt let me Take Screen Shots WDF !!!
Second i woulda created a video for you guys to view But Windows movie Maker is junk I cant Export Or Play Any .Wmv Files On my system i tried to fix the problem but i couldnt find a solution Im kinda cheesed off The only Types of video files i can use now are .AVI and they Take up a huge amount of Space
for a 6 min video it was 1.26 gb on low quality Currently running windows xp And keep running into problems
anyways Let me know if you can help me out
Best regards Jedaprin