This is my first post so first of all-greetings to everyone.
Second- I apologise for my poor English, it isn't my nativa language, I hope You will understand what am I talking about...
I followed the instructions from Bethesdas tutorial about making scenes:
But I get stuck at last moment: PLAYING the scene...
In my quest-dialog view I created new branch,topic (I say sth to my NPC), response (NPC says he will do sth with present situation). Tutorial says:
"Go back to the Dialogue Views tab in GSQ01, select the view we've got there, then add a new branch called 'GSQ01BenduAdmitFeelings'. Open up the topic, add a response (maybe 'I've seen the way you look at her, you should admit how you feel to her.').
To get the scene to start we first need to create a property on the response info script. The topic info will already have a script attached, so in the bottom right panel, click on that script, then properties, then add a property of type 'Scene' called MSQ01BenduGilfreScene. That should auto-fill so no need to do that. Then in the end script fragment, add the following line:
And thi is problem- this topic DOESN'T HAVE any script ( I have scripts In ":Yes" and "No" topics in my STARTing branch,because these dialogues has scripts "set to stage").
I tried to create new script for it, set Property- name: DWOQ5scene (type scene, edit value- my scene's ID), when I edit script source I find:
Scriptname newscript5 extends TopicInfo
Scene Property DWOQ5scene Auto
so the property is added correctly
but when I put command in End PapyrusFrgament
there ius an ERROR:
C:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\common\skyrim\Data\Scripts\Source\temp\TIF__04015524.psc(9,0): variable DWOQ5scene is undefined
C:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\common\skyrim\Data\Scripts\Source\temp\TIF__04015524.psc(9,11): none is not a known user-defined type
No output generated for TIF__04015524, compilation failed.
Batch compile of 1 files finished. 0 succeeded, 1 failed.
Failed on TIF__04015524
Mayby it's connected with that script fragment which according to the tutorial I should already have, BUT FROM WHERE?- it's a new branch, new topic with 1 new response... It doesnt set any stage in quest so i didn't make any script for it earlier?
Could you help me to solve that problem?
I tried other tip: checking the "Begin on quest start" box on the scene tab
but It does nothing
I begin my DWOQ5 quest but the scene doesn't run, help
Of course I know about creating SEQ file for any created quest after 1.6 patch to SCK
Ok,there is a little progress- I didn't record voices for those response text in Scene dialogues, so the only were standing and starin at each other endless.
Now they are coming to XMarker place,begin and and conversation and split up-end of the scene
Everything work fine BUT I still don't know how to begin that scene with using script, in which place implement that script?
There is second problem- the scene begins and end without starting quest DWOQ5...!!!it seems to start when I begin game (I coc to my place, run to them so I can hear their conversation, but few seconds later all the scene would pass and I, other players in the future will not even be aware that such scene took place). How to set it correct, that this scene, that dialog begins, exist only when I start that specified quest?
Maybe it is caused by "Start game enable" flag in questdata?but all tutorials says it is necessary to have if ticked, otherwise quest wan't be able to run?is it true?
I have unticked "Start game enable" and now quest isn't available at all...
What I have done
I've just done simple quest acording to Betheda tutorial (with Bendu Olo, thief and amulet).
I've made NPC-KroagGro, she is an orc, blacksmith vendor. No she has only "What do you want to buy" dialogue.
But if I tick "Start Enable game", she has another dialogue option - "Some thief have stolen my lucky blacksmith hammer, could you retrieve it for me"- sth like that (topic from my DWOQ5 quest), and when I agree to help her, quest begins. (setstage(10)). I go to some cave, kill bandit and retrieve hammer (stage 20), return to NPC-Kroag and give her hammer back.End quest (stage 40). Everything works
Sorry I don't know how to delete post below...
Leianne, what triggers do You supose to use (and how- I know, command myquest.Start() but how should like all script, and attached to what?).
How can I make my quest available not from beginning of the game?
Ok, I've made some testing but still sth isn't right...
I have unticked "Start game enable" and now quest isn't available at all...
What I have done
I've just done simple quest acording to Bethesda tutorial (with Bendu Olo, thief and amulet).
I've made NPC-KroagGro, she is an orc, blacksmith vendor. No she has only "What do you want to buy" dialogue.
But if I tick "Start Enable game", she has another dialogue option - "Some thief have stolen my lucky blacksmith hammer, could you retrieve it for me"- sth like that (topic from my DWOQ5 quest), and when I agree to help her, quest begins. (setstage(10)). I go to some cave, kill bandit and retrieve hammer (stage 20), return to NPC-Kroag and give her hammer back(stage30). She gives me some gold, End quest (stage 40). Everything works
But I still don't know where to use that script, that my added scene (KroagGro is speaking with anoher NPC) begins after my new dialogue topic ("Isn't your student to lazy, he dont do anything" , npc-"yes, I will tel him few words..."---after this response of KroagGro added scene should start)
On the other forum Leianne suggested me, that I can start quest not only bu using "Start enable game"
What triggers do You supose to use (and how- I know, command myquest.Start() but how should like all script, and attached to what?).
How can I make my quest available not from beginning of the game?
I've learned about enabling/disabling objects via activators, triggers. Probably I can use some trigger box and use Event OnTriggerEntrance (or sth like that), and there use property MyQuest and command MyQuest.Start().
Am I right?Is this one of solutions? Are there other solutions to start quest, scenes not via "Start game enable"?