I got a little problem with the "VERT5AlienWW"-Script.
First of all I use Project Nevada Equipment 2.5 and it seems there is a problem in the PN-Script of 2.5.
This also told me the moderator of the project nevada site on nexus.
I already solved the problem of this script but I want to do another thing which was my motivation to look into this script before:
I tried to spawn the other weapon (which only appears without "Wild Wasteland") but all tries to trigger this coding failed

If Player.HasPerk WildWasteland == 1 VERT5MercBossDEADREF.Enable EnclaveCrateContainerJohnson.AddItem WeapNVGaussRifleUnique 1 EnclaveCrateContainerJohnson.Lock 99Elseif Player.HasPerk WildWasteland != 1 EnclaveCrateContainer01REF.AddItem WeapAlienBlaster 1 EnclaveCrateContainer01REF.AddItem AmmoAlienPowerCell 1 EnclaveCrateContainer01REF.AddItem LootAmmoAlienPowerCellWW 1 EnclaveCrateContainer01REF.Lock 99 EnclaveCrateContainer02REF.AddItem PNxEWeapAlienBlasterClean 1 EnclaveCrateContainer02REF.AddItem PNxEAmmoAlienPowerModule 1 EnclaveCrateContainer02REF.AddItem PNxELootAmmoAlienPowerModuleWW 1 EnclaveCrateContainer02REF.Lock 99Endif
It would work so that the Unique Gauss Rifle would be placed in Cannibal Johnsons Cave with a Dummy of the Merc who carried this weapon. Seems Johnson found something to eat XD
After that the weapon should be go into the enclave box of Johnson and should be locked very hard.
If the player hasn't "Wild Wasteland" then should the alien weapons (even the one of Project Nevada") spawn in the 2 boxes of the remnants bunker.
Well I only wrote the order to start the Quest into "VERT5AlienWW":
If Player.GetItemCount WeapAlienBlaster >= 1 startquest PNxEAlienEncounterWeaponSpawn Set bEventFinished to 1Endif
The quest should trigger the SCRIPT with a similar coding like above but it doesn't do SO

I also tried to use the coding from above directly in "VERT5AlienWW" but if I make such changes the whole encounter of the aliens doesn't trigger maybe because of the fact it is a object script.
I have no idea why the quest is not starting or the quest script but everything looks normal.
The quest has the script, I set priority to 60 and the script delay to 0.0100.
Can anyone help me?