I know that this problem is well-documented. This is what I found on UESP.net :
I know that this problem is well-documented. This is what I found on UESP.net :
You can download it manualy from here: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/25127/?tab=2&navtag=%2Fajax%2Fmodfiles%2F%3Fid%3D25127&pUp=1
Inside is a docs folder: read the Unofficial Hearthfire Patch Readme (html) for installaton instructions.
Then you should be fine having the latest hearthfire unofficial patch. (actually version 1.1.2 and not 1.03)
Good luck !!!
Hello Mark41,
Yes, I am aware that the Unofficial Hearthfire Patch can be downloaded from other sources.
But the whole point of subscribing to Steam's Workshop's mods is that these mods are updated automatically and that you don't have to waste your time looking for the latest versions and installing them manually.
So, if I decide to manually download and install this patch from Nexus, does this mean that I have to unsubscribe from the patch on Steam's workshop?
You probably should unsubscribe before manually downloading it.
Actually i don't know, because i am a subscriber too, but i haven't received those updates - so i downloaded them manually...