I'm trying to go to Solstheim right now after being attacked by Cultists on my way down from High Hrothgar. I've retrieved the note and the quest started for me and it told me to head to the docks of Windhelm (I know exactly how this works, I've done this quest before). So once I get there to talk to the captain of the ship, no dialogue appears, he just sits on his butt without ever getting up. I have a list just as a BTW
- I play on Xbox
- I've cleared my cache after this problem - still doesn't work
- I'm not over encumbered (there is a glitch where if you are over encumbered you can't travel)
- I have the note with my player
- I tried travelling to Solstheim from Dawnstar but that captain won't start a dialogue either
- I've re-installed all DLCs
Do you guys have ideas how to fix this bug? It's really irritating me, for I have finished nearly every quest there is in this game
Thanks in advance.