I'm new here !
Running Skyrim on WIn7 x64.
Issue #1: No way to skip "Credits" after clicking it.
I expect pressing "Enter" to exit from "Credits" to main menu
Issue #2: Incompletable quest.
Kill Hagraven Petra. Petra killed, quest cannot be completed.
Issue #3: Incompletable quest.
Blood on the Ice. "Get Assistance from Jorlief" and "Examine crime scene" sub-quests cannot be completed.
Issue #4: Incompletable quest.
The Mind of Madness -- Pilagius Can't be killed -- he sleeps on his bad, and no way to kill him. Quest cannot be completed.
Issue #5: Incompletable mission.
The Ratway Warrens -- can't be completed. The old man in 3rd floor of depth simply won't open the door. No way to get back to Skyrim from this place... Hero stuck.
Are there any developers, whom can I speak to ? Is this the correct forum ?
-Technologov, 27.11.2011.