
Post » Tue Aug 02, 2011 10:23 am

Has their been any inclinations of possibly doing something profession-esqe? Cause honestly out of everything i would feel so much more Evil! if i could skin the animals i killed instead of just looting their body for their fur.

I dont even want to go to detailed with the others as somethign the player would do to avoid a Rift/WoW era thing..

BUT will we be able to find items and bring them to say a blacksmith to have them create weaponry and armor? I'm pretty sure Enchanting items will stay since i love making my random magic gear. But I'm thinking more on the Leatherworker (for Light armor wearers) and a Blacksmith (for the Medium/Heavy). Like if you killed miners could they possibly have minerals usable to do such things for armor customization, or even Dyes to modify the color of gear.

(Mind you all, just questions before a mod would have to be created to do such things)
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Anne marie
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