Do you actually want to sit in your store all day making potions and hoping customers keep coming through the door? I certainly don't. I'd rather be out adventuring (hence my purchase of an adventure game). So one might say, why can't you buy an alchemy store like you could own a Mead Hall in Morrowind. At that point though, you don't have a "profession", you're simply a capitalist who's traded lump sums of money for a % of an operations revenue.
Running a business is a grueling operation. Managing production inventory, producing the good, anticipating demand, dealing with price fluctuations and competition, taxes... none of this is really fun unless you're playing a business simulator. But we're not talking about a business simulator, we're talking about an adventure game.
So how do you make standing in a shop waiting for a customer = fun game mechanic?
-face palm-
So how do you even leave the house without questioning everyones motives and doing anything that isn't beneficial (Like posting on a Web Forum persay)?
I just so happen to like BOTH aspects. I like Running a Small Virtual Store to make extra cash because for people like ME it comes naturally...OH BUT EVERYONE is like you.

I can't be a slaughtering Warrior...and look at that! a Savvy Business man too? Because we all know Adventure games don't include MERCANTILE and SPEECH Skills in video games. NO! Never a CHARISMA Stat either.
Running a business isn't Grueling, in video games. Infact, it's beneficial to people who like getting money smart ways instead of pissing off Guards and People they could easily make a customer out of. But we're not talking about a Business Simulator, we're talking about a ROLE PLAYING Game. Where if I want to be a Shop Keep in an RPG to help earn some money to TRAIN my skills such as...oh look at that! Mercantile Skills! Silver Tongued styled characters. Oh but you never played that style before, so it obviously worthless to everyone.
Debating (Well not really...) with me with such remarks as GRUELING, And Hard. To who? OH people who don't want to use the it...but what about people like me? Who get bored of hitting the same dungeons who have copy and pasted walls....same traps...same bandits. LOL Taxes don't imply in this game, even if it did...who cares? Set the prices at a higher rate or go low to sell it at a faster rate. I like the talking aspect between my character and NPC's...If that's not fun to you...WHY are you playing this game? You have to talk to quest givers, Merchants to sell stuff to get money to pay for things because not everyone DROPS money and lots of it. I like chatting it up with random NPC's in some games. It's funny the dialogue and detail of putting in these people because A) Seeing the same Shop owner all through out that game is kind of boring specially when you can't do anything with them. B) And lack of NPC's means It's going to be awhile before I level up my Speech skills to out wit some tougher boss fights. Because not all my characters are heavy armored Tanks with enchanted magical armor that gives resistances to every thing.
Ever play Phantasy Star Universe Online? OF COURSE you haven't...why would you! I'll SHED some light for you!
You literally OWN a Shop in your HOME where people can visit and check out all the neat crap you picked up and decorated your "Apartment" with stuff that you may not need because A) You can't use it (There was class limitations on weapons very light limitations but still some), people come and go, you set prices and can log off your game and you don't HAVE to sit at your store! You don't have to do anything but SET it and FORGET it. Now this is on a "MMO" style. Now for a game like oblivion...they could easily make NPC's need what you want. Put a Candle up: people will buy it for their houses. (What would also be neat is, if you FOUND said item later sitting in some one's home!). Seeing TES loves making "Stolen" Items marked...Even though nobody saw me steal it...(MAGICAL GODS WATCHING OVER YOU!) they could do the same and improve on said system.
I'm sorry you think this is just another Hack-n-Slash Adventure game...but there is MORE ways to play it then one. Obviously you haven't explored them all.
Mages, Warriors, Stealthers
I've had, Bad Guys, Good Guys.
I've had guys who mostly "Leveled up" Thanks to their enormous bank because every one has a price (Bribes) and everyone's got to pay (TES has a Haggle Option.

I heart it)
I've had some who just ran through dungeons killed and looted everything because they had a HIGH STR stat...but not all characters can do that.
So what happens to the stealthers ( who don't have a HIGH Str...and can't carry everything lol)? The Silver Tongued Devils (Like almost mostly all my characters lol) who want to do more then just...kill/loot/sell, but trade/chat/haggle using that LUCK/Charisma Stat to good use?
Are we all supposed to be dull adventurer's we can't "Role play" in a role playing game a City Dweller?