MP Profiles not saving properly

Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 1:05 am

I've run the game multiple times, before and after the 1.2 patch, and my weapon/attachment/module unlocks aren't saving properly. I'm in-between maps on a ranked server and I setup my custom class, unlock & equip the things I want, return to the waiting screen before the countdown ends, play a few maps, close the game, re-open the game, go to make some alterations and when I click my custom class, nothing is unlocked anymore and my unlock tokens are reset as if I hadn't spent any. At first i thought it was a kool feature to mix and match my spent points, but my Assessments weren't maintained properly either. My Sniper scope Assessment displayed 36 kills while my DSG-1 had 0 after "re-unlocking" it.

These are my requests for improvements/observations without having first hand knowledge of what is currently in-place:

Please prioritize any and all network traffic regarding profile changes to and from the EA servers. I don't know of many people who would mind if there was a tenth of a second trigger delay every couple minutes to make sure that the profiles are updated properly.

If the Crysis 2 profiles aren't stored on their own server, they should be since the players' profiles are the MAIN reason the majority of the player-base plays long term.

Optimize the dataset used to communicate changes to a profile to minimize bandwidth requirements and the likeliness that a Disconnect/Crash will interrupt the transmission. If the profile updates take any more than a KB to transmit, someone needs to be fired and someone smarter/less lazy hired. Maybe 2 KB for an encrypted dataset (recommended).

You don't have to refresh the entire profile every time, just the individual items that have changed and how much they have changed. Since no one will be getting more than 256 kills within a couple of minutes, using more than 1 byte per quantity change is pointless. 1000 bytes is more than enough to address the items changed and how they've changed within the last couple minutes. Hell if you didn't restrict it to a minimum of 1KB then most updates could be as small as 12bytes or less for the content and however many for containing/identifying the profile and encrypting the data. I'm not uber so I might get one kill every couple of minutes which would apply to a maximum of 6 assessments from what I've figured (weapon, weapon headshot, visor, stealth, armor, sights).

There is absolutely no reason all of this can't be achieved with a high ROI for Crytek and EA.
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