Hmmm, somebody's been busy. I like the color code idea. Heh. Someones not a Microsoft fan.
I don't have any huge problems with M$ (save Vista), it just bothers me when they hide simple functions. I was able to get the shell exec working though, so the little links will open in your default browser when you click them.
I was also able to filter the list by name, so no matter which way it's sorted, it can still look-up the right info (it was way easier than I thought, just had to figure out how predicates and lambda functions worked and it took one line of code). I noticed an issue with that, though: if there are multiple mods with the same name, it'll only return the info for the first one, no matter which you select. I checked the database, and the mod IDs are all the same for those as well. Either I'm going to have to add an internal ID field (just for sorting purposes) or (I'm playing with this now) pick the one with the highest version.
I have to admit that as I just read through the past two pages, consisting of many walls-o-text, I'm sure I've missed some things. I do want to throw out a couple thoughts I've had about this:
1. Local archive folder: When you first install the program you define the folder in which you have the mods you've downloaded. Then anything you put in there will be available to the installer. Or has this already been discussed, or a different method discussed?
The plan, at the moment, is to download the database, then scan your mod archive, then your Morrowind installation. All database mods will be shown plus archive mods, with various colors representing where they are.
2. Author feedback system: I think that one way to address one of the concerns mentioned here regarding lack of feedback for authors could be easily handled with some sort of internal system. There's nothing that prevents us from automating a system that sends email to the author with feedback. Or to even incorporate a comments database.
That shouldn't be too awfully hard to pull off, but I'm going to get the from-web part done before working on any to-web stuff. I like the idea of a comment area, I was thinking last night about adding a rating field (but that has so many issues, I don't know). If I do add a rating field, it'll be off by default and you'll have to turn it on to see.
3. Submission standards: I am of the opinion that all mods submitted must be reviewed and approved, much in the way they are at PES. Of course this will require volunteers to handle, so is subject to discussion. Also, I see no difficulty in having server-side virus scans performed. I have also been working lately on a few scripts using john.moonsugar's tes3cmd to scan mods for things such as GMSTs and dirty records. I have been writing these for Morrowind Modding History, but fully intend to use them for this project as well.
Well, a lot of the mods could be downloaded from PES, which has some screening already. It would be too hard to go through the mods, especially not if it was properly automated. When I start in on the install module of this, separating that code into a standalone extract-and-clean program should be simple.
Also, just a note regarding my involvement here. I have no intention in getting involved with the coding or development of this in any way beyond hosting and managing the server. I have way too many projects going on right now, many of which haven't even remotely been unveiled. I fully support this, I think it is a fantastic idea, and as such I offer my resources.
Coding and dev I can take care of (unless of course you want to add crazy web stuff).
You say you'll be involved in the hosting, will you be hosting the final version, or what do you mean by that?
Because at this point I have a demo app that can retrieve the list and all, and I'm either going to sit down today with my server and router and make sure it's working, or if you'd rather use a server you have... Just need to get that all figured out.
Since me last post here on this thread, this discussion might have some interesting arguments which I share and not share. At first I've hard to understand Skinjack's intentions in the first place, but now I do agree with you when mention the installation structure though. For my self I just hate to install mods manually, so your proposal about installer program you said earlier is a good idea. The only request a I've to this project is that, skip the feature of any web related components, just have it as a local mod-installer program instead.
You will be able to skip all the web stuff by not downloading the mod list from the server. In that case you can just sync with your local archive, and install from there. That's basically already built into the system, and will allow people to cut this off from the web entirely (if you really want to be paranoid, you can block it with your firewall).
@C.Carjades: Well, its nice to see that we can agree, at least in part, on some of this. I'm still not sure why there is resistance to the web based downloading aspect of this, though. You already do exactly the same thing using IE, FIrefox, ES Search, but this way its all incorporated in one place. And the way we are trying to address sites such as Darknut's, which is dependent on ad revenue, is to simply direct you to that website to download the mod, which can be stored in the above mentioned local archive folder. Thus sites like his that have supported the community won't disappear. Actually, it might see more traffic than before.
I can understand the hesitation of having a program go out to the internet, find a file, and install it to your computer all in one click.
However. Everything will be scanned before being uploaded, there will be an option to scan on download (before install), and mods don't usually contain viruses, and can't run them (a virus file is harmless unless it's run, and within an archive, it's essentially encrypted (as far as the virus code is concerned), and can't run at all).
There will be no leeching from existing sites, just linking when necessary (and I think Dark0ne runs Nexus, not Darknut).
And as I mentioned, you can always firewall this in (most firewalls have a block list). That'll limit its functionality, but then you know nothing bad can happen.
And the source will be open, so if you can understand C# you'll be able to review it yourself (it's not hard to comprehend what's going on just by glancing through, much of it is English words and I don't think my coding style is too hacker-ish
