One of the major issues I often saw having moderated the ratings at PES was the occurrence of people who voted for a mod without downloading and/or trying it. No matter how many times you tell them, or even have them banned for doing so, people will do that. I believe this gives a perfect opportunity to prevent such a thing. People should only be allowed to comment and/or rate a mod if they have actually used this program to install it.
That's possible. It still allows for some hacking (unless we keep track of who voted on what on the server, which I imagine will make for a huge mess), but it's possible not to allow ratings until after installation. There's no way to make sure you've played it, just that you've installed it.
Peachy, what do you need as far as server resources right now? As I've said, I have no problem hosting the final version of this. However, I won't get my full datacenter running until spring as I have to bury some conduit first. Until then, I'm using my home internet connection and my "quieter" server which is a bit slower. But I've got a full LAMP stack running which can run anything you need. I can set you up with SSH and FTP access so you can use it for development. Then once we migrate to the full server, it will all be done locally, avoiding the need of any downtime. I've also got a dynamic domain pointing here that is updated by my server; it will serve until I get my nameserver running. So you can program in a domain rather than an IP that will need to be changed.
At the moment the only real need is a MySQL server to have the db on with extra fields, but I'm tossing around bits of PHP admin stuff and a comment system.
LAMP works fine, and I know how to work with remote servers with those. I'll figure it out more and PM you or post when I've got a better idea of it.
I'm always hesitant playing with other people's servers, though, so don't make it so I could break anything (not that I've ever actually broken any servers, just paranoia).

Can patch to start grabbing them if you want. Not till the end of the month though.
There's a few other custom fields I've got to add also, so it really doesn't matter. If you want to grab the ratings, that's fine, I can use them, otherwise a local rating can be used. I'm gonna have to somehow scan through that entire db for mod filenames, unless I can figure out a way to deduce that from title. I think it'll end up having to store ESPs names, which will be fun.
As far as names go, we've got:
(Morrowind) Automated Mod Manager ( (M)AMM ) - 1 vote
Morrowind Mods Organizer (Program) - 2ish votes
MWModThingy - 1 vote
Something with Matrix - 1 vote
No offense Fligg, but I'm not putting MAMMARY in the running.

I dunno which I prefer, probably a recursive acronym somehow involving Morrowind and matrix, but I have no idea what that'd be.

So, anyone else with ideas, toss 'em out.
As far as progress updates, I've:
- linked mlox via IronPython using its command line stuff, it loads straight from your computer and there is an option to select the mlox path
- - option to scan all mods (everything in Data Files) or just active mods (enabled in Morrowind.ini)
- added an option for the Morrowind location
- added a simple method to search the mod list (by title, author, version, category, or description, type a word or phrase and it'll sort everything containing those to the top of the list)
- added advlt mod flagging (using a pleasant pink that's still easy to spot for people (like me!

) who will go through the list downloading all of them)

- reworked the bottom info pane to:
- - always show the right info, no matter sorting or searching
- - update faster
- - if more than one mod with the same title, author, and version is found, it will take all the URLs and add them to the start of the description (you can actually see that in the shot, where it says alternate URLs, it grabs as many as it finds and will list the first one as the URL with any others in that box, you can click either and it starts in your browser)
- - if you double-click the description box, it pops out into its own (bigger) window, so you can read them easier
- - now has two tabs, one for mod info, one will hold a comments page
- - couple other minor bits
As soon as a server is set up, I'll put out a simple demo of the program (with source), so you can see what it looks like and play with the UI (I doubt I'll have the installer done by then, though). I'd do that now, but without the server, it's useless.