But not the 'Request' though. Instead the 'Request' has more to become a new project.
The request was for this project... I think the thread is still useful, so unless Skinjack wants it locked, I don't see a reason to.
Once we hit that point I'll post a front page poll on GHF. Be nice to get another set of opinions on it than those that only hang out around here.
That'll be nice, get a good idea. I think once I have a prototype copy working, we can go about putting up name polls.
I'm not sure, but do GHF mouths have the ability to put up those polls? Or does it have to be you or a magister?
You missed these suggested names:
Unless they're so hideously subversive to warrant avoidance in a popular vote.
I'm going to avoid the TES one, since this probably won't work with Oblivion. It may be possible to get that happening, but it's meant for Morrowind first.
Mod Alchemy - 1 vote
(Morrowind) Automated Mod Manager ( (M)AMM ) - 1 vote
Morrowind Automated Install Director - 3 votes
Morrowind Mods Organizer (Program) - 2ish votes
Morrowind Mod Magnet - 1 vote
MWModThingy - 1 vote
MWMatrix - 1 vote
I've been playing more with both installers and mlox. I may have to edit some of mlox to get it working, I'm having trouble passing it as a command line. I was able to get all the modules working, though (except wx, but that's not needed). At the moment I'm Googling to see if you can pass commandline parameters through (the classes exist but IronPYthon comes with no docs at all).
As far as the installer, I can extract an archive (using 7-zip for simple support for most of the formats MW mods use) and I'm working more on that at the moment.
I'm also working with Fligg's server to get a copy of the database there so a prototype of the app can be sent to some people for playing with. I'm not sure if it will be open to everyone to download, or by request, or how that'll be done.