I've been playing for almost two days; I explored Sideways Cave, since I just bumped into them while going from prison to Imperial City. I finished the first part of the quest Septim placed on me - I gave away Amulet of the Kings. I finished two different quests in Imperial City and cleared Sewers (everything accessible, but not Sunken Sewers). Also finished couple of quests in Chorrol, including big Canvas the Castle quest. I have joined both Fighter and Mages guilds, since I am playing some sort of Battle Mage who uses both destruction spells and a weapon with a shield.
So, all in all, that's quite a lot of work included - and I am just half way to level 2! The thing is, I am also aware that leveling won't make me much stronger - especially level 2 won't do much difference.
Is my progress about right? Am I doing something wrong? What sort of things I am supposed to do at such low level? I'd really enjoy some fighting, but usually, when I go out of big cities looking for trouble - I find trouble. Serious trouble.
Talk to me, guys!