Various "press" representatives, including some bloggers, podcasters and youtubers, had access to a special press beta (not on the servers the stress testers were using) last weekend and the one before. They had the NDA lifted last Friday.
I can't listen to people like this though... when they get stuff wrong I want to yell at them, but that doesn't work with a talking head 
If the issue is layering/phasing, let me make this point: what are the alternatives? This is not an exhaustive list, just the approaches I am familiar with:
a) Nothing you do is ever going to affect the world in any way (WoW and most other MMOs). Downside: not engaging. It's like you're an ant on the surface of the world but not IN it.
You are the central figure in your own storyline, but that storyline appears in special instances where you don't see anybody you're not grouped with (and your group are just spectators)... and as for all the REST of the world, nothing you do has any effect, rendering all main-world quests trivial and bland (SWTOR). Downside: there are really two games, a single player game and an MMO, and there is very little integration between them.
c) ESO's approach, which is sort of a hybrid of those: every quest you do has the potential to affect the world as you see it, and you are not taken out of the gameworld for this to happen. Downside: you're going to see other people running around who may be experiencing a different world than you, which can be disconcerting.
They all have drawbacks, but personally, I prefer the ESO solution. To me it strikes the right balance between making the world feel responsive to your actions, and not splitting the game into two unconnected pieces. I do get why people dislike it, but I don't think a solution exists which doesn't fall into the traps in either (a) or (