"and so, the Aetrei sent a seed to travel space and time, searching a place where "the gift" freed of all the anger and pain that mankind suffered to make it exist would grow purer and healthier, thats how he traveled with all the power of the kind whom he was born, he arrived on his ship from the dark sea in the sky and transformed everything onsight with the power of Aeter"
it will introduce a new race.. the Aeter... a race that surged after the fall of mankind in this earth, after mankind realized that something must be done to eradicate the murderous nature of men they left earth alone only with 21 of the most powerfull beings they could create, each one reflecting one aspect of the kind's psiche, they where "the chosen child" 20 of them females, carrying a vertion of a perfect DNA "the next step" of the evolution of man, and one male called "the key" wich complements the cicle... the Aetreon battled and so 5 of them survived the ones representing love, hate, suffering, optimism and realism and so the key descended from the eden gates, and killed all of them but one... Love... then he taken her and [censored] her and ran in to the sky
everything failed horribly, the murderous and pridefull nature of man was still inside the key, wanting nothing but to fullfill his purpose to get free from his duty, she chased after him on the sky, but he was too fast and powerfull... she eventually gave birth to 10 childs... and sent one of them to carry on an experiment, and see if mankind is worth to still existing
he arrived to vvanderfell on his ship and landed it on the sea, as no one on this world have never seen something that big or something that powerfull he was worshiped as a god... much to his dislike... but he managed to implant "the gift" in all the races... transforming completely the world... also he was very amuzed by the power of magicka and he proceed to travel arround vvanderfell to compare it with the only thing he knew it had that kind of power
"Jeremiah - 33: 3"
im very influenced by artists like Redjuice (guilty crown)
(sorry i dont have permision to put links)
and so i want to fill entirely the world of the elder scrolls with this kind of futuristic surrealism... i had posted something with the only problem i encountered here on the morrowind TECS section (i still no have permision to post links)
so... what do you think guys? is worth the try?