Project Beauty and FOIP load order questions

Post » Thu Feb 24, 2011 10:33 pm

Big question: Is it true I don't need Project Beauty.esp when using the HD version ESM? BOSS-f says don't use both, but I could have sworn I followed that readme correctly when I put both in there (darn readme trying to be helpful by spelling things out so much at length, it just confused me :sadvaultboy: ).

Second question: Shouldn't MMM.esm load last among ESMS or doesn't it matter that the quest and location ESMs come after?

Third question: Do I really need all of the following?
++ FO3 Wanderers Edition - Project Beauty.esp
++ FO3 Wanderers Edition - Project Beauty (HD Addition).esp
++ FO3 Wanderers Edition - Project Beauty (Followers Enhanced).esp
++ Mart's Mutant Mod - Project Beauty + FWE.esp
++ Mart's Mutant Mod - Project Beauty (HD Addition).esp

I've never used Project Beauty before, so I'm a little leery of myself.

I'm also using the latest garybash. Thus the format of the modlist. ++ means merged into the bashed patch.



Active Mod Files:00  fallout3.esm01  Project Beauty HD version.esm02  craft.esm03  calibr.esm  [Version 1.3]04  StreetLights.esm05  ArefuExpandedByAzar.esm06  fo3 wanderers edition - main file.esm07  Mart's Mutant Mod.esm08  CubeExperimental (EN).esm09  DCInteriors_ComboEdition.esm0A  NewCairo.esm0B  darnifieduif3.esp0C  StreetLights - Wasteland.esp++  Fellout-pipboylight.esp0D  CASM.esp0E  craft - activation perk.esp0F  GalaxyNewsRadio100[M].esp10  RadioBlues.esp11  BatteriesPlusV1_2.esp12  ArefuExpandedByAzar-Radio.esp13  NotSoFast.esp14  HeirApparent.esp15  IntoTheDeepWoods.esp16  MegatonContracts.esp  [Version 1.7]17  rockville.esp18  MoreMapMarkers.esp19  Treasure Maps_Underground.esp1A  Treasure Maps_Secrets of the Wasteland.esp1B  Treasure Maps_Bobblehead Edition.esp1C  Treasure Maps_A Fist Full of Caps.esp1D  ADecentHouse1.1.esp1E  Mole Rat Maze.esp1F  BabyDeathclawCommander.esp20  MegatonBasemant.esp21  MS11fix.esp22  Darkness.esp23  Magnexus.esp24  GarbageMountain.esp25  A Little Mutant Problem.esp26  Devoured in Darkness.esp27  AmbrosiaBells.esp28  lamplight secrets.esp29  A Trail of Crumbs.esp2A  Vault88_TmFox.esp2B  Bonds Bigtown w Merchant.esp2C  Bonds Tenpenny Exterior.esp2D  CEI - CaesarrulezExcessiveInteriorsEN.esp2E  Rivet City Realignment.esp2F  fo3 wanderers edition - main file.esp30  fo3 wanderers edition - alternate travel.esp31  fo3 wanderers edition - followers enhanced.esp32  fo3 wanderers edition - optional free play after mq.esp33  fo3 wanderers edition - optional restore tracers.esp++  FO3 Wanderers Edition - Optional Worn Weapons.esp34  WeaponModKits.esp35  WeaponModKits - FWE Master Release.esp++  WeaponModKits - FWE Optional Worn Weapons.esp36  Mart's Mutant Mod.esp++  Mart's Mutant Mod - No Corpse Flies.esp37  Mart's Mutant Mod - FWE Master Release.esp++  FO3 Wanderers Edition - Project Beauty.esp++  FO3 Wanderers Edition - Project Beauty (HD Addition).esp++  FO3 Wanderers Edition - Project Beauty (Followers Enhanced).esp++  Mart's Mutant Mod - Project Beauty + FWE.esp++  Mart's Mutant Mod - Project Beauty (HD Addition).esp38  Gifts4Kids.esp39  SunGlassesFX.esp3A  Fellout-Full.esp  [Version 1.1.18]3B  megalight.esp3C  FireLightFix.esp3D  NoLockTopic.esp3E  Greenerworld.esp3F  Level 2 Some More Color.esp40  Flashlight.esp++  Choose your own hairstyle (load this last on FOMM).esp41  Bashed Patch, 0.esp

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Post » Fri Feb 25, 2011 5:12 am

Additional question: Why does any merged patch seem to undo nearly all of Project Beauty's changes to NPCs?

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Post » Thu Feb 24, 2011 7:02 pm

From what I understand, you'll need all the plugins you listed.

For the merged patch, the change from project beauty are erased because it gives preference to the records coming from another mod (FWE in this case) who's also changing some things concerning the same NPC.
You have to manually edit your merged patch with FO3edit and copy the records for the NPC appearance from Project Beauty into it. That way, you'll keep the change from FWE and PB.
The automatic creation of a merged patch is, I think, giving you a starting point that you can then use as it is or modify further. It should always be checked with FO3edit to make sure that it gave preference to the records you wanted.
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Star Dunkels Macmillan
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Post » Thu Feb 24, 2011 2:26 pm


Use only the esm for the HD version.

Are you saying that the bashed patch with Gary Bash undoes PB changes?
did you select import NPC faces into the bashed patch?

or are you still using Mez's merged patch not ready to take the Gary Bash plunge?
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Post » Fri Feb 25, 2011 5:26 am


Use only the esm for the HD version.

Are you saying that the bashed patch with Gary Bash undoes PB changes?
did you select import NPC faces into the bashed patch?

or are you still using Mez's merged patch not ready to take the Gary Bash plunge?

Thanks for clarifying about the ESM/ESP PB bit.

I built a bashed patch with Gary Bash. Then I built an automatic merged patch with FO3Edit to compare. I noticed that both were reverting several PB changes to vailla. (I guess when I said "nearly all" in my above post I was being frustratedly hyperbolic.) The patches have a predilection for Wendy the Riveter hair, for one thing.

I ended going with the bashed patch but manually editing it. The biggest list of changes I made was to preserve names from FWE - for the supermutant classes, follower weapons, and a couple other things. I also found two or three instances where an MMM script was left off a creature, even though the script appeared in the FOIP patch, so I added those back in. In a couple cases I added back in facial hair.

The one that's got me worried, though, is Megaton Contracts, which I've never used before. It adds a key to Jericho's inventory which gets reverted by the FWE-FOIP combo, and I cannot add it back in through FO3Edit. Reason I think is MMM's use of templates. I just hope that key is not essential to a quest. Well, I guess I can console it in, since I can look up the formID...

I think I'm all good now, though. Thanks.

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Kirsty Collins
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Post » Thu Feb 24, 2011 7:48 pm

Those are all great suggestions for Valda to implement as automated options for Gary Bash.

He stated that he is willing to take requests and suggestions for bash tags.

[edit] let me emphasize that since English is not Valda's primary language and he uses a machine to translate (to Japanese if I'm not mistaken) - I would not count on him scanning the boards looking for tid-bits of ideas.

I hope you take the issue to his thread - he really did try and get PB to be bashable.
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Post » Thu Feb 24, 2011 4:16 pm


If you are using BOSS-F, the problem will shortly be solved.
BOSS team gave me permission to commit of masterlist.txt.
For release of next BOSS-F, masterlist.txt which the BASH TAG suggestion was included in will be attached.

Please try the following if you want to solve a problem right now.
1. Download latest masterlist.txt ->
2. And copy to "Fallout 3/Data" diretory.
3. Launch garybash (Recommended BashTags are given to esm/esps of PB).
4. Open the menu of "Rebuild Patch", put the check in "Import NPC Faces" and "Race Records", and update patch.
5. Start a game, and go to the Arlington library to meet with Scribe Yearling for confirmation :P
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Shiarra Curtis
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Post » Fri Feb 25, 2011 12:35 am


If you are using BOSS-F, the problem will shortly be solved.
BOSS team gave me permission to commit of masterlist.txt.
For release of next BOSS-F, masterlist.txt which the BASH TAG suggestion was included in will be attached.

Please try the following if you want to solve a problem right now.
1. Download latest masterlist.txt ->
2. And copy to "Fallout 3/Data" diretory.
3. Launch garybash (Recommended BashTags should be given to esm/esps of PB).
4. Open the menu of "Rebuild Patch", put the check in "Import NPC Faces" and "Race Records", and update patch.
5. Start a game, and go to the Arlington library to meet with Scribe Yearling for confirmation :P

Thank you! I will.

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Post » Fri Feb 25, 2011 1:26 am

I managed to edit the key back into Jericho's inventory but at the cost of reverting him to his vanilla ammo, rather than the FWE version. Since I won't have him as a follower during this game, it's no big deal.

I've asked in the garybash thread about Import Inventory, but it looks like it is implemented or soon to be judging by the masterlist he linked to above.

I'll have to change the name of this bashed patch to something like "hand edited bashed patch" and bring in a new one to rebuild using the new tags. Then I can compare in FO3Edit. See what's going on in there...

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