The game takes place in the world of Agartha, a world torn apart by war. There are many nations at war, and you can choose to fight alongside any of them.
The nations to choose from include:
- Order of the Iron Cross
- The Cistinian Empire
- The Noppelesse Empire
- The Takenobu
- Borgeleiss Kingdom
- Cschineasichi Empire
The Iron Cross, the Noppelesse Empire, and the Takenobu have formed an alliance in order to overthrow the Cistinian empire.
The Borgeleiss Kingdom, and the Cshineasichi Empire have joined with the Cistinian Empire in order to protect their ally and ensure their own survival.
Full history and lore concerning the nations and their past will be found on my website soon
As stated before, the player will be able to choose any nation to fight for (if any at all) and change the world to their liking. No matter which side or nation you choose be prepaired for consequences for nearly every action you take. Before the end much of the physical world and characters would have changed drasticly no matter which path you take.
The blending of medieval and semi-modern combat will be done by adding modern vehicles of war (tanks, motorcycles, airplanes, and submarines(maybe?)), semi-modern explosives (mines, rocket launchers, and possibly grenades). The balance between medieval and modern will be preserved be keeping and encreasing the power of melee weapons, and bows. Making modern weapons very rare, and limiting limiting amuniton.
*More information on past\present balancing will be found on the website*
1. No level Scaling (No character, or creature's difficulty will change depending on your level.)
2. New world to explore.
3. Plenty of new weapons\armor.
4. Several new races
5. New modern and explosive weaponry
6. Mechanical vehicles
7. Hopefully, new music for ambiant, dungeon and combat specific to the new world.
8. Hopefully, full voice acting.
9. Many others that will be kept secret untill later!
*More nations will be added later.
Feel free to add comments, sudgestions, and questions.
A poll will be added and changed every week.