It's been awhile but I'd might be willing to lend a hand...
Doppler, I'm hoping I haven't run you or anyone else off by listing all the things I'd like to see added to Crossbows of Cyrodiil. I admire your work greatly. I'm just trying to share my vision for the mod, not make demands. I hope everyone understands it as such.
That is a lot of stuff, Wish I had not asked :lmao:, If you send me the meshes & textures you have, most importantly the longer stock Crossbow, I'll see about making the texture fit. I think that'll be a ncie tweak for the time being while other models are being worked on.
That's a lot of crossbows, Do you have any pics for bolts or cases?, I'm thinking there could be bolts for each crossbow type (like the arrows) except each one could have a different head on it, so say Iron would b a standard flat head while say Daedric would be a barbed head.
I do apologize; I know it's a lot to ask. I've uploaded all the models I have to the Crossbows of Cyrodiil download page (link in my signature). I don't have any real specific demands for the bolts and cases except that they be consistent with the vanilla weapon versions they are meant to represent. In general, I want the cases compact, but open topped, while the bolts should be relatively short with only two arrow fletchings. It sounds like you've got the same thing in mind.

OBSE able to assign SpecialAnims on the fly as yet?
I don't currently know of a way to force a special animation using the scripts, but, as I stated once before, there is a possible work around. We could replace the default "SneakBowAttack.KF" animation file with our own custom crossbow animation. Then all we would have to do is modify the scripts slightly to prevent the characters (both the PC and NPCs) from spanning the crossbows while not in sneak mode (something we have done before), while likewise preventing them from drawing a regular bow while sneaking. It would be rather easy to implement, but the downside is that the characters would lose the unique animation used for drawing a bow in sneak mode.
There is an alternative using Pluggy or RefStuff, I'm not sure which, that would allow us to temporarily rename (and thus replace) the sneak animation when the character is using a crossbow. It would involve considerably more scripting, but would probably offer a more acceptable compromise. Of course, the downside there is in adding an additional dependency for those who use Crossbows of Cyrodiil. That is something I have been reluctant to do in the past, but may have to yield on for the sake of the mod.
HeyYou will be thrilled to hear that.

Interesting indeed.
Tell me a little about animations used for the crossbow effect.
Last I heard it was something that required the character to be in sneak mode to flip the string although the picture you've posted of a character in sneak mode the front hand appears to be in standard bow wielding position.
Another question of curiosity for you:
Purely hypothetical at this point..........................
If someone were to develop a mesh, and texture of say...........that drow pistol crossbow you've linked to a picture of.
Is there a working animation for that string draw, and fire or is this just something that may never be accomplished but you wish to work on?
One last one from me:
If someone were to create a mesh, and texture of a pistol crossbow would your team be able to produce the animation required through OBSE or if an animation file (.kf) was also included would your team be able to implement it in game via OBSE or by other means.
I am still unsure if I shall mod anymore although this has captured my eye, and believe it within my abilities to do.
I am cautious though as I have passed the point where I would 'sign on' to any obligations for any modding team or listen to any pleas about deadlines or other restrictions some may wish to impose on something I decide to do.
I am also curious if this has a definite 'plan' or basis for implementation in place other than what I have seen before that would make any effort I may (or may not) choose to make one that will not go unused or 'shelved' due to lack of a 'way' to make it work in game.
Humor my queries if you like or simply ignore them.
My eyebrow did raise when I saw some of the concept art though..............
I made this animation for these guys some time ago (not sure if they still have it) but its basically a
Nico, SaidenStorm, I'd be thrilled to have either (or both) of you on board. To answer your questions, Nico - the scripts were edited some time back to allow the crossbows to be used correctly without having to be in sneak mode. Unfortunately, the animation is still the default bow version, and the scripts still must prevent the character from entering sneak mode in order for them to animate correctly. As I mentioned above, there are a few options available to us to remedy this, but unless OBSE comes up with a way to call special animations we will still be dealing with some inconveniences. Still, the affect could be much more dramatic with the necessary animation and scripting.
As SaidenStorm stated, Hel Borne and I were given that hand crossbow animation some time ago. I'm not sure if I still have a copy of it, but likely I do somewhere. The only reason I haven't used it is because the character would be holding a very large crossbow in one hand. It would definitely work great for hand crossbows, but then we are left with a dilemma of only being able to replace one animation at a time. If we could somehow modify that animation so that it looked appropriate whether using a full-scale crossbow or a hand version I guarantee I'd work it into the mod immediately.
To allay your concerns, there will be no "deadlines" or "commitments". No one has been more haphazard with regard to updating CoC than myself. My wife and I are expecting our third child in the next two months and work keeps me extremely busy at times. I won't be riding anyone's back, or making demands with regard to anything we do here. If you choose to contribute I will be honored. If something happens that prevents you from taking part I thoroughly understand. The only thing I do ask is that, if for some reason you can not continue to work on this project, you please let me know, so that I'm not waiting for something that will never materialize.
I do thank you both for the vested interest and hope that somehow we will be able to work together in the near future.
Howdy! HeyYou contacted me on TESA about this project, so I'll just throw in here...
I like your enthusiasm and welcome the interest gratefully. :goodjob:
You, as well as any other interested parties, may download the models I currently have under the miscellaneous file "TEST Crossbow Models". There is a short text file to explain the few particulars I thought necessary. If anyone has any further questions, please feel free to ask.
Do forgive me for such a long message and after such a long delay. My time is very often not my own. I will be as diligent about this work as real life permits. Thanks again for the interest and support.