Project Modeler Needed!

Post » Sat May 28, 2011 9:43 pm

Hey, everybody!

As you may know, I'm the project lead for the Crossbows of Cyrodiil mod. For the past two years, HeyYou, Hel Borne, and I have worked diligently to improve the functionality and appearance our mutual endeavor. HeyYou and I have worked together to write the necessary scripts, while Hel Borne has been the exclusive modeler. Without Hel Borne's wonderful contributions this mod would never have achieved the success and popularity that it now enjoys. Unfortunately for us, he has left to attend to real life needs, as well as pursue other interests, thus leaving our project with an immense void.

It is for this reason HeyYou and I are now seeking a replacement modeler for Crossbows of Cyrodiil. There is a lot of work left to be done and most of it is concerned with the visual appeal of the mod. We'll need someone to build meshes, paint textures, and animate the models themselves. It is not necessary that we have one person to do all three things, but the more skilled the better. We're well aware of the myriad of talented modders in this great community and we look forward to seeing how this project will progress in the near future.

Most of the need is for new crossbow meshes and textures. We are also hoping to replace the current bolts and cases used for the ammo. All interested individuals should feel free to respond here in this thread, or by private messaging me. I'm more than happy to answer any questions your may have. Thanks again, and have a great day! :goodjob:
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He got the
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 3:10 pm

Courtesy bump for the next day crowd. ;)
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Del Arte
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 11:00 pm

After I finish up my current workload I'd be willing to help :), I can texuture, model (though never made Crossbows, but one can learn right? :D) and made some basic animations.

Roughly how much new content are you needing?
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Post » Sun May 29, 2011 12:00 am

Im free ( till school )and would very much like to help, but am limited to modeling and cannot texture/animate.
This i could make in a few hours with limited trouble.
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Alexis Estrada
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 11:59 am

I'm not entirely sure just how much content we're going to add, but I'd like to at least fill out the other weapon types. We currently have Iron, Steel, Silver, and Ebony crossbows, as well as one Brusef Amelion style. My goal is to add versions that match Elven, Dwarven, Glass, and Daedric weapons found in the vanilla game. I'd love to see special versions for Orcish, Mithril, Amber, Madness, Golden Saint, Dark Seducer, and maybe even a unique Dark Brotherhood one. Any other crossbow models (as if that wasn't enough) would be an extra bonus.

We also need new models for the bolts and cases. I'd prefer to replace all of them so they appear less awkward. It is not necessary that everything match the vanilla items perfectly, but I want to avoid creating models that don't fit with the game as it looks for the average user. In general, I lean toward the look of medieval weapons, but I'll give careful consideration to anything except ultra-modern or cartoonish looking crossbows. I'd love to see something like but done in a way that fits better with a medieval fantasy setting.

One of the first things I'd like to see is the lengthening of the current models so they look a little less "stubby". I have an older mesh by Hel Borne that is about the right length and is already animated. The textures just need to be fixed so they display correctly on the longer stock. As all the current crossbows use the same mesh I wouldn't mind just adding newer textures for the other versions. Still, at some time in the future I'd like to see new meshes for at least some of the other versions.

I know that is a lot of work, but then again, you did ask. ;)

I really appreciate the interest, and if there is anything else you need let me know. I'd be more than happy to send you copies of all the meshes and textures I currently have. Thanks again. :goodjob:

PS. As an after thought, something else I'd like to see added is hand crossbows, like those used by Drow Elves.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 6:26 pm

It's been awhile but I'd might be willing to lend a hand. I was actually just about to try out the mod too, as I recently downloaded it but haven't yet installed.

I'll see what I can whip up. If you have any image concepts of particular crossbow styles you'd want referenced, they'd be nice links to view.
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Richard Thompson
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 8:17 pm

Sounds good. :)

To start, something along the lines of the These fit very well with the game as they utilize textures virtually identical to those in the vanilla game. Then, of course, there is the or the And, for your consideration, a variety of medieval style crossbows.

You may also want to look at some of the unique fantasy crossbow concepts people have derived.

Finally, a couple of shots of hand crossbows.
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Louise Andrew
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 1:39 pm

That is a lot of stuff, Wish I had not asked :lmao:, If you send me the meshes & textures you have, most importantly the longer stock Crossbow, I'll see about making the texture fit. I think that'll be a ncie tweak for the time being while other models are being worked on.

That's a lot of crossbows, Do you have any pics for bolts or cases?, I'm thinking there could be bolts for each crossbow type (like the arrows) except each one could have a different head on it, so say Iron would b a standard flat head while say Daedric would be a barbed head.

Not sure if that would cause any issues mod wise, not tried it in a long time.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 10:10 am

OBSE able to assign SpecialAnims on the fly as yet?
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 8:07 pm

OBSE able to assign SpecialAnims on the fly as yet?

Unfortunately, no. I am working on that from a couple different directions though. Not sure if anything will come of it.
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Auguste Bartholdi
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 12:11 pm

I'm working on getting the models together, but I'm a bit short on time tonight. I'll do my best to get them out to each interested party some time tomorrow. Thanks again. :)
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Leticia Hernandez
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 2:27 pm

Interesting indeed.
Tell me a little about animations used for the crossbow effect.
Last I heard it was something that required the character to be in sneak mode to flip the string although the picture you've posted of a character in sneak mode the front hand appears to be in standard bow wielding position.

Another question of curiosity for you:
Purely hypothetical at this point..........................
If someone were to develop a mesh, and texture of say...........that drow pistol crossbow you've linked to a picture of.
Is there a working animation for that string draw, and fire or is this just something that may never be accomplished but you wish to work on?
One last one from me:
If someone were to create a mesh, and texture of a pistol crossbow would your team be able to produce the animation required through OBSE or if an animation file (.kf) was also included would your team be able to implement it in game via OBSE or by other means.

I am still unsure if I shall mod anymore although this has captured my eye, and believe it within my abilities to do.
I am cautious though as I have passed the point where I would 'sign on' to any obligations for any modding team or listen to any pleas about deadlines or other restrictions some may wish to impose on something I decide to do.
I am also curious if this has a definite 'plan' or basis for implementation in place other than what I have seen before that would make any effort I may (or may not) choose to make one that will not go unused or 'shelved' due to lack of a 'way' to make it work in game.

Humor my queries if you like or simply ignore them.
My eyebrow did raise when I saw some of the concept art though..............

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Zach Hunter
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 12:37 pm

Another question of curiosity for you:
Purely hypothetical at this point..........................
If someone were to develop a mesh, and texture of say...........that drow pistol crossbow you've linked to a picture of.
Is there a working animation for that string draw, and fire or is this just something that may never be accomplished but you wish to work on?
One last one from me:
If someone were to create a mesh, and texture of a pistol crossbow would your team be able to produce the animation required through OBSE or if an animation file (.kf) was also included would your team be able to implement it in game via OBSE or by other means.

I made this animation for these guys some time ago (not sure if they still have it) but its basically a
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Julie Ann
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 10:17 am

Howdy! HeyYou contacted me on TESA about this project, so I'll just throw in here:

I'm Matth, I love to model, I sit in 3ds max 10 houres a day unless I play video games or got friends to be with.
I think I am a decent modeller, and can prosuce decent meshes. Texture is a little behind, but I am working on it :)
I got no experience modelling Crossbows, but I would LOVE the experience. Both overall experience and making Crossbow.
I tend to model swords. Average time for me on a normal sword in 45 minutes. I bet I can reach the same with Crossbows ;P

Overall I just love to learn, I love to do 3d, and would love to join in this project: no matter how many crossbows you want made.
Of course, this will have to come when I am done with my current work over at TESA, but that's finished within a week or two I believe.

Hope to hear back from 'ya!



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Post » Sun May 29, 2011 12:15 am

It's been awhile but I'd might be willing to lend a hand...

Doppler, I'm hoping I haven't run you or anyone else off by listing all the things I'd like to see added to Crossbows of Cyrodiil. I admire your work greatly. I'm just trying to share my vision for the mod, not make demands. I hope everyone understands it as such.

That is a lot of stuff, Wish I had not asked :lmao:, If you send me the meshes & textures you have, most importantly the longer stock Crossbow, I'll see about making the texture fit. I think that'll be a ncie tweak for the time being while other models are being worked on.

That's a lot of crossbows, Do you have any pics for bolts or cases?, I'm thinking there could be bolts for each crossbow type (like the arrows) except each one could have a different head on it, so say Iron would b a standard flat head while say Daedric would be a barbed head.

I do apologize; I know it's a lot to ask. I've uploaded all the models I have to the Crossbows of Cyrodiil download page (link in my signature). I don't have any real specific demands for the bolts and cases except that they be consistent with the vanilla weapon versions they are meant to represent. In general, I want the cases compact, but open topped, while the bolts should be relatively short with only two arrow fletchings. It sounds like you've got the same thing in mind. :)

OBSE able to assign SpecialAnims on the fly as yet?

I don't currently know of a way to force a special animation using the scripts, but, as I stated once before, there is a possible work around. We could replace the default "SneakBowAttack.KF" animation file with our own custom crossbow animation. Then all we would have to do is modify the scripts slightly to prevent the characters (both the PC and NPCs) from spanning the crossbows while not in sneak mode (something we have done before), while likewise preventing them from drawing a regular bow while sneaking. It would be rather easy to implement, but the downside is that the characters would lose the unique animation used for drawing a bow in sneak mode.

There is an alternative using Pluggy or RefStuff, I'm not sure which, that would allow us to temporarily rename (and thus replace) the sneak animation when the character is using a crossbow. It would involve considerably more scripting, but would probably offer a more acceptable compromise. Of course, the downside there is in adding an additional dependency for those who use Crossbows of Cyrodiil. That is something I have been reluctant to do in the past, but may have to yield on for the sake of the mod.

HeyYou will be thrilled to hear that. ;)

Interesting indeed.
Tell me a little about animations used for the crossbow effect.
Last I heard it was something that required the character to be in sneak mode to flip the string although the picture you've posted of a character in sneak mode the front hand appears to be in standard bow wielding position.

Another question of curiosity for you:
Purely hypothetical at this point..........................
If someone were to develop a mesh, and texture of say...........that drow pistol crossbow you've linked to a picture of.
Is there a working animation for that string draw, and fire or is this just something that may never be accomplished but you wish to work on?
One last one from me:
If someone were to create a mesh, and texture of a pistol crossbow would your team be able to produce the animation required through OBSE or if an animation file (.kf) was also included would your team be able to implement it in game via OBSE or by other means.

I am still unsure if I shall mod anymore although this has captured my eye, and believe it within my abilities to do.
I am cautious though as I have passed the point where I would 'sign on' to any obligations for any modding team or listen to any pleas about deadlines or other restrictions some may wish to impose on something I decide to do.
I am also curious if this has a definite 'plan' or basis for implementation in place other than what I have seen before that would make any effort I may (or may not) choose to make one that will not go unused or 'shelved' due to lack of a 'way' to make it work in game.

Humor my queries if you like or simply ignore them.
My eyebrow did raise when I saw some of the concept art though..............


I made this animation for these guys some time ago (not sure if they still have it) but its basically a

Nico, SaidenStorm, I'd be thrilled to have either (or both) of you on board. To answer your questions, Nico - the scripts were edited some time back to allow the crossbows to be used correctly without having to be in sneak mode. Unfortunately, the animation is still the default bow version, and the scripts still must prevent the character from entering sneak mode in order for them to animate correctly. As I mentioned above, there are a few options available to us to remedy this, but unless OBSE comes up with a way to call special animations we will still be dealing with some inconveniences. Still, the affect could be much more dramatic with the necessary animation and scripting.

As SaidenStorm stated, Hel Borne and I were given that hand crossbow animation some time ago. I'm not sure if I still have a copy of it, but likely I do somewhere. The only reason I haven't used it is because the character would be holding a very large crossbow in one hand. It would definitely work great for hand crossbows, but then we are left with a dilemma of only being able to replace one animation at a time. If we could somehow modify that animation so that it looked appropriate whether using a full-scale crossbow or a hand version I guarantee I'd work it into the mod immediately.

To allay your concerns, there will be no "deadlines" or "commitments". No one has been more haphazard with regard to updating CoC than myself. My wife and I are expecting our third child in the next two months and work keeps me extremely busy at times. I won't be riding anyone's back, or making demands with regard to anything we do here. If you choose to contribute I will be honored. If something happens that prevents you from taking part I thoroughly understand. The only thing I do ask is that, if for some reason you can not continue to work on this project, you please let me know, so that I'm not waiting for something that will never materialize.

I do thank you both for the vested interest and hope that somehow we will be able to work together in the near future.

Howdy! HeyYou contacted me on TESA about this project, so I'll just throw in here...

I like your enthusiasm and welcome the interest gratefully. :goodjob:

You, as well as any other interested parties, may download the models I currently have under the miscellaneous file "TEST Crossbow Models". There is a short text file to explain the few particulars I thought necessary. If anyone has any further questions, please feel free to ask.

Do forgive me for such a long message and after such a long delay. My time is very often not my own. I will be as diligent about this work as real life permits. Thanks again for the interest and support.

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Emma Parkinson
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 12:22 pm

Sounds fair enough Linus, and most impressive Saiden Storm.

I have other things on the burner currently but it may be possible that you find a random gift from Nico at some time in the future lurking in your PM box.
I do really like that Drow pistol concept art. :D
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remi lasisi
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Post » Sun May 29, 2011 12:00 am

I'd like to offer my service as a texturer. Look at my to see some samples of my recent work. :foodndrink:
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Alisia Lisha
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 8:45 pm

I do apologize; I know it's a lot to ask. I've uploaded all the models I have to the Crossbows of Cyrodiil download page (link in my signature). I don't have any real specific demands for the bolts and cases except that they be consistent with the vanilla weapon versions they are meant to represent. In general, I want the cases compact, but open topped, while the bolts should be relatively short with only two arrow fletchings. It sounds like you've got the same thing in mind. :)

No need to apologize :no:, Thanks I DL it shortly.

I think we've the same ideas here :D

I'd like to offer my service as a texturer. Look at my to see some samples of my recent work. :foodndrink:

Ooooooo Star on the textures :foodndrink: , Also thanks for the link, great way to show off my models without me linking :lmao:
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 11:39 pm

Ooooooo Star on the textures :foodndrink: , Also thanks for the link, great way to show off my models without me linking :lmao:

Aye, I figured an X-bow would make a nice change on the blades! :foodndrink:
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sara OMAR
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 6:19 pm

Aye, I figured an X-bow would make a nice change on the blades! :foodndrink:

Definately will :D
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Albert Wesker
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Post » Sun May 29, 2011 12:03 am

Okay, it looks like I'm going to end up with more modelers than I had originally anticipated. This is certainly not a bad thing, but it does mean that the work needs to be divided appropriately. While everyone is free to submit anything they create for consideration, it would save a lot of time (and frustration) if we avoid creating double work. The last thing anyone wants to do is spend hours creating a Daedric crossbow just to be told it won't be used because another modeler did the same. Of course, multiple versions of each type would probably still be worked in. After all, this is a crossbow mod. ;)

In all, there are three things that are particularly needed:

  • Update current crossbow textures to work with longer mesh.
  • Create new bolts/cases meshes and textures.
  • Create new animated crossbow meshes and textures.

So far, we've got Matth80, Spiderpig, InsanitySorrow, and StarX on board, with the possibility of Ryu Doppler, Nicoroshi, and SaidenStorm contributing.

Matth80, I know you can make meshes and textures. Do you have animation experience? You seem excited to create new things and seem well fitted to make some of the specialty versions I mentioned before. I'm thinking specifically of the Mithril and Orcish versions which don't actually have a vanilla Oblivion counterpart. Could you see that as a starting point?

Spiderpig, you are primarily a mesh maker, correct? If so, then you would be an excellent choice for bolts and cases meshes. Most of what is needed here is a matter of trimming down versions of the vanilla arrows so they are shorter, with smaller heads, and only two feather fletchings on the end. The cases need to be more compact than currently used, but with enough shape to appear consistent with the vanilla Oblivion quivers. Is this something that you'd be interested in doing?

StarX, you are interested mostly in providing textures, right? I'd love to make use of your abilities to basically double check any textures created, and in particular, to create custom textures for meshes that the others may not be able to. I am well aware of your talents and welcome the addition.

InsanitySorrow, my impression is that you are adept with meshes, textures, and animations. If that is correct then you will probably be the go-to person when it comes to animating. That doesn't mean you won't be doing anything else, but you might be needed to animate other models that have been contributed. Would that be a problem in any way?

Most of all, if there is anything any one of you would specifically like to work on... just ask. There is certainly plenty of work to go around, and I don't want anyone feeling they are forced to do something that doesn't interest them. Just let me know where your talents lie and what type of work you want to do. We'll work it out from there. :goodjob:
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Post » Sun May 29, 2011 12:56 am

  • Update current crossbow textures to work with longer mesh.
  • Create new bolts/cases meshes and textures.

For the first one I think StarX would be good for that now we have him :D, Anyway I'd also like to have a go at the bolts and Cases, I have a few ideas in mind for them.

InsanitySorrow, my impression is that you are adept with meshes, textures, and animations. If that is correct then you will probably be the go-to person when it comes to animating. That doesn't mean you won't be doing anything else, but you might be needed to animate other models that have been contributed. Would that be a problem in any way?

My main experience is with Textures, though the last month or so I've learned how to model (Check StarX's link for a look at my work), Which is also my preferred work now, My animation experience is limited but I'm willing to learn what's needed to help :D
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Stat Wrecker
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 7:15 pm

For the first one I think StarX would be good for that now we have him :D, Anyway I'd also like to have a go at the bolts and Cases, I have a few ideas in mind for them.

That's certainly fine by me. However, keep in mind that at a later date we may be editing or even replacing those meshes. As long as StarX and you are alright with that arrange, I have no complaints. I've yet to hear back from Spiderpig, and from the PM I sent them I can see they haven't been online in a while. :shrug:

My main experience is with Textures, though the last month or so I've learned how to model (Check StarX's link for a look at my work), Which is also my preferred work now, My animation experience is limited but I'm willing to learn what's needed to help :D

Hmm, so far then we don't have anyone who is really experienced in animation. I'm not sure how much work it takes to animate a crossbow, but if you think you can do it then that sounds good to me. I've heard back from most of the people I've contacted so far, but StarX, Matth80, and you appear the most interested (so far). I'm not sure how long it will be before Matth80 is able to jump aboard, but I'm certain he is eager to do so. We'll get the details worked out in the next few days, hopefully.

By the way, I just wanted to remind those who are interested that I uploaded a file containing all the crossbow models I currently have. It can be found on the Crossbows of Cyrodiil download page under the miscellaneous file "TEST Crossbow Models". Thanks.
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TRIsha FEnnesse
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 6:15 pm

That's certainly fine by me. However, keep in mind that at a later date we may be editing or even replacing those meshes. As long as StarX and you are alright with that arrange, I have no complaints. I've yet to hear back from Spiderpig, and from the PM I sent them I can see they haven't been online in a while. :shrug:

I've been thinking and it'll problably be best to leave the stock meshes for now since most will be replaced ect like you said, it would save some time and effort.

Hmm, so far then we don't have anyone who is really experienced in animation. I'm not sure how much work it takes to animate a crossbow, but if you think you can do it then that sounds good to me. I've heard back from most of the people I've contacted so far, but StarX, Matth80, and you appear the most interested (so far). I'm not sure how long it will be before Matth80 is able to jump aboard, but I'm certain he is eager to do so. We'll get the details worked out in the next few days, hopefully.

When I get some spare time I'll look closer at the animations to see how it's all setup.

By the way, I just wanted to remind those who are interested that I uploaded a file containing all the crossbow models I currently have. It can be found on the Crossbows of Cyrodiil download page under the miscellaneous file "TEST Crossbow Models". Thanks.

Already downloaded the pack :)

Edit: Here is the first Crossbow Bolt Model:
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jessica breen
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 5:24 pm

Wow you've got folks crawling out the woodwork on this. :goodjob: My primary issue with continuing with the project was our inability to switch up animations on a per item basis. Though Linus and HeyYou have done some amazing things (scripting around the problem) OBSE still hasn't come through on this to my knowledge (daunting task I'm sure) and I always felt it was near fundamental. BTW - Nicoroshi gets credit for teaching me how to set up the bowmorph. ;) Good luck to all.
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