It was intended as a complete alternative to lockpicking :sadvaultboy:
And I usually like to mention explosive entry as a negative example when someone asks "he, can't you make tackle based on the armor, unarmed skill, strength, endurance, speed, luck, implants..". Then I can say: Look how well that works for the lock breaking

Let me give you a real quick explanation of why it's the way it is, starting with the requirements:
1) I wanted it to be real-time (because that was something new, and if done right, I thought would be much cooler than having menus)
2) There should be a certain skill component involved (not stats skill, but actual aiming/placement)
3) It should be based on the Explosive stat as well.
4) It has to consider the strength of the lock
5) It has to consider the strength of the explosive
6) It should be a real alternative to lockpick
7) No message boxes that say like "Skill 50 + roll 10/10 VS Lock DC 80"
Consequence of 1) is that it has to check for the explosions, not the explosives. If you shoot dynamite, that's actually not the dynamite explosion! It's some default explosion used for all destroyed projectiles. It does much less damage, and is less effective against locks.
2) is necessary, because I wanted there to be an incentive for crafting the remotely detonated explosives, which are easier to place. So the distance between lock and explosion has to be really small.
3) 4) 5) are realized so that lock level vs distance determines if its generally possible to break a lock with that explosive, and skill determines chance of success.
The idea for 6) was so that in general you can open doors with less invested skill points when compared to lockpick, but to open chests its better to skill lockpick (because there's the chance of destroying the loot).
I think that all sounds good on paper, but it's too intransparent in the end, so in practice it fails. So if you have any concrete suggestions, tell me and I'll implement them (unless they're not good
