Project Nevada Explosive Entry Issue

Post » Fri Aug 26, 2011 3:19 pm

Hello, so I have ben trying and trying to blow open locks with this mod...the locks just do not seem to want to break...I throw stick after stick of dynamite at a safe or gun locker to no avail..I see the little lock icon in the hud but it doesnt ever change to the broken one...Im assuming the higher your explosive skill the more likely it will break em. well my explosion skill is at atleast 50 and I cant even open average locks after throwing like 10 sticks of dynamite at it....So if anyone knows whats up leme know. Thanks
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Scotties Hottie
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Post » Fri Aug 26, 2011 11:50 pm

If you get a lock icon with an x in it, you can't open the lock at all, a locked lock icon with no x in it means it can be opened but you have to try again and an unlocked lock icon means you broke it.
Multiple uses of explosives doesn't slowly break the lock or anything, it either works or it doesn't. In your case it sounds like you will either need a higher explosive skill or better explosives otherwise it would have opened.
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Eric Hayes
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Post » Fri Aug 26, 2011 12:28 pm

Ya, from what I've seen of the crazy, refwalking script it's based on both your explosives skill and the strength of the explosive being used. I also found it a little lame, and went from leveling up explosives and neglecting lockpick, to just plain leveling up lockpick.
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Laura-Jayne Lee
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Post » Fri Aug 26, 2011 3:54 pm

yeah Poop it is kinda lame...not to mention i wasted probably 30 dynamite trying to destroy one lock...which in real life dynamite would blow open most locks...I did the same thing, I almost ALWAYS tag lockpicking because I cant stand not being able to unlock stuff but this time I just said "hey since I can now blow open locks why waste a tag on lockpicking" but now im beginning to regret it...I love this mod but they really should tweak the explosive entry setting to be a bit more realistic. Or atleast make it the same point lvl as lockpicking (50=Average, 75=Hard, 100=Very Hard)
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Astargoth Rockin' Design
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Post » Fri Aug 26, 2011 9:45 pm

yeah Poop it is kinda lame...not to mention i wasted probably 30 dynamite trying to destroy one lock...which in real life dynamite would blow open most locks...I did the same thing, I almost ALWAYS tag lockpicking because I cant stand not being able to unlock stuff but this time I just said "hey since I can now blow open locks why waste a tag on lockpicking" but now im beginning to regret it...I love this mod but they really should tweak the explosive entry setting to be a bit more realistic. Or atleast make it the same point lvl as lockpicking (50=Average, 75=Hard, 100=Very Hard)

Yeah they should change it to something like that or maybe the container itself could determine whether it breaks open, a lockers lock probably wouldn't be as strong as a safes lock. I don't think it was intended as a complete alternative to lockpicking anyway though more like an option if you have no bobby pins and a good explosive/skill. Plus there's a chance the explosion destroys the stuff inside of the container so yeah lockpicking would be the better choice in the long run anyway.
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Rik Douglas
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Post » Fri Aug 26, 2011 10:45 pm

It was intended as a complete alternative to lockpicking :sadvaultboy:

And I usually like to mention explosive entry as a negative example when someone asks "he, can't you make tackle based on the armor, unarmed skill, strength, endurance, speed, luck, implants..". Then I can say: Look how well that works for the lock breaking :)

Let me give you a real quick explanation of why it's the way it is, starting with the requirements:
1) I wanted it to be real-time (because that was something new, and if done right, I thought would be much cooler than having menus)
2) There should be a certain skill component involved (not stats skill, but actual aiming/placement)
3) It should be based on the Explosive stat as well.
4) It has to consider the strength of the lock
5) It has to consider the strength of the explosive
6) It should be a real alternative to lockpick
7) No message boxes that say like "Skill 50 + roll 10/10 VS Lock DC 80"

Consequence of 1) is that it has to check for the explosions, not the explosives. If you shoot dynamite, that's actually not the dynamite explosion! It's some default explosion used for all destroyed projectiles. It does much less damage, and is less effective against locks.
2) is necessary, because I wanted there to be an incentive for crafting the remotely detonated explosives, which are easier to place. So the distance between lock and explosion has to be really small.

3) 4) 5) are realized so that lock level vs distance determines if its generally possible to break a lock with that explosive, and skill determines chance of success.
The idea for 6) was so that in general you can open doors with less invested skill points when compared to lockpick, but to open chests its better to skill lockpick (because there's the chance of destroying the loot).

I think that all sounds good on paper, but it's too intransparent in the end, so in practice it fails. So if you have any concrete suggestions, tell me and I'll implement them (unless they're not good :))
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Post » Fri Aug 26, 2011 6:11 pm

haha, yeah that all does sound good on paper, but your the modder not me, so my ideas may or may not be possible or good so take it or leave it but perhaps if you simplify it a bit maybe? make it rely more on the explosive with your skill level only determining if you can open that lock or not but not the chance to open it? And maybe make it so only certain types of explosive can open only a certain lock difficulty? Because look at it this way, In the game grenades are obviously more powerful than dynamite. Which is pretty much the same in real life except for the fact that grenades are meant to kill people with shrapnel and everything while dynamite of coarse can kill people, its main function is to blast through things and "open" stuff i.e. rocks from a tunnel ect. So what if you made it so in order to open this average lock youd need an explosive skill of 50 and a powder charge? and with those 2 checks the chance to open would be pretty much 100%. That way you would atleast know you could forsure open that average lock. I know removing the whole chance to open thing kinda svcks but if you think about it, if you put a stick of dynamite next to a locked door or case, that door in no longer there let alone locked.

Another thing you might think about is making the chance for items to break in safes alot less than lets say alocked locker or somthing, because it seems to me that a safe would keep items safe even if its lock was breached. Just my 2 cents, if you dont like my ideas thats fine, your the modder like I said and I dont even compare to the work and knowledge you have so :bowdown: haha great mod btw!
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carley moss
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Post » Fri Aug 26, 2011 12:23 pm

Aye, JEBach's ideas aren't bad. Start the scale at a very easy lock with dynamite in very close proximity, 95% chance to break open the lock. Continue the scale all the way to C-4 in close proximity, with very hard locks, and at 100 explosives, to 95%. Maybe even 90 or 85%. The safe idea for recovered loot isn't bad either, you might also want to scale the chance for loot to be destroyed based on the explosives skill of the player, and to be calculated inversely when using explosives that are beyond the necessary level for the lock. i.e. if you use c4 on a very easy lock, with a low explosives skill, there's a high chance that the loot is destroyed, but if you're explosives skill was very high, then that chance was diminished significantly.

Further you should have the chance to open any lock with any explosive if you're explosives skill is high enough, so at 100% explosive you might have a 10% chance to bust open a very hard lock with dynamite in close proximity. And don't be afraid to include demolition expert into the calculations!

And I thought tackle was based on the unarmed skill, YOU LIED TO ME SCRIPT. :brokencomputer:
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Alexander Lee
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Post » Fri Aug 26, 2011 4:39 pm

Yeah poopoopapa, I dig the whole, use c4 on a very easy lock and your stuff goes kaput. Makes for more realism. and also safes are/were built not only for keeping unwanted people out but to also protect the items from fires, building collapse, ect. so it wouldnt be too off to say that using a heavy explosive on a thick safe could destroy the weaker front w/o damaging the more solid protective sides, leaving most of the items intact. Which brings a new idea into my head, maybe on the safes make it so instead of destroying the entire item, have there be a pretty good chance to damage the item to the point where it cannot be used unless repaired? Dont know how possible that is but I think that would also add some realism and balance considering youd either hafto pay to have it repaired (which as you know can be very pricy) or people with repair skill can do it, Either way you still get the item but it may or may not be useable at that time. Just another 2
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