I'm at a crossroad and I'd like some advice
Yukichigai's http://newvegasnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=40007 is just dandy, indeed, and since I'm playing with it right now, and it currently has no conflicts, I'm puzzled as how I should proceed.
If I just incorporate that stuff in our equipment module, sure it'll be great, but that mod will most likely stay at 3 endorsemants forever, and that would be unfair. Unfair as hell...
It should be included in Project Nevada in some way. Are the weapons in FO3 Weapons Restoration balanced and are they integrated nicely into the world to work with your mod? If they are you could just add a recommended mod link in the readme or maybe in the installer? Some people would probably miss it then, but they can leave endorsemants at the original mod..
If it's not balanced to work with PN you could create some module to load after the FO3WR esp or replace the esp completely, the users would just have to use the bsa from that mod..
The easiest way would of course be to add it all to your equipments module and add a link to his mod in the readme, but he would probably not get much endorsemants from it if that's your main goal.
Don't know if this helps, just some ideas that you probably have thought about yourself..