so i enter the room and as you know autum is there and the dialog goes like this.
a> Speech 100%, give it up autum... etc.etc [success]
b> Speech 100%, this isnt the only way... etc etc. [success]
c> you know what screw this..etc.etc [kill autum]
i go into the chamber do the 2:16 etc..
then i get the screen shot,
the title goes along, game seems to end, i end up back at purity with a slanty screen and i cant do nothing else :/
reloading past saves before i go in didnt help either, but i tried it and instead of that,
it goes to the ending screen etc.etc and my game ends with the choice to continue or reload instead of continuing.
any clues?
i know its not any mods i got installed because i did it a few days ago with a "good" character and all went fine (doing it now for neutral achievments)
fallout 3, 1.7patch+all DLC's enabled