Well, there isn't a large population in DC (maybe 200 strong? Including raiders and talons and whatnot).
I think that the Project - get all the river's water clean for 200 ppl is like building a six-lane highway... that leads to a small village in the countryside.
As pointed out, the soil which is essential for agriculture is radiated... A better use for the GECK and a decent plot device would be a soil purification plant.
Wow, a 2-4-1 sale.
First off, there are more than 200 people. As someone has already pointed out its scaled down... If we take what is presented in the game as gospel, then everyone in the vault dies of starvation - Did you see any hydroponics bays, or long term food storage?
Secondly, This document here mostly deals with what happens when the bomb goes off, not 200 years after it, but this particular paragraph suggests that its all not lost:
[/b]Potatoes (that is, the tubers themselves) and other roots would not be likely to contain fall-out. If it were safe to go on your ground it would be safe to harvest your root and potato crop, but the roots should be thoroughly washed before use.
If you can walk the ground safely, you can at least have Fission Chips.