[IDEA] Project Tamriel...

Post » Fri May 27, 2011 2:22 pm

Sounds interesting, you wanna PM me with what info you've got and what you plan to do?
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 9:56 am

Well than what do you know? Done any modding for Morrowind before?

I've been messing around with the CS for a couple years, but only got into modding and uploading those mods this past summer. I have only released two mods thus far(http://planetelderscrolls.gamespy.com/View.php?view=User.EntriesListing&id=441055). Aside from those mods, I'm decent at texturing and have dabbled in 3d modeling. But am no expert in either.

would you be willing to help me on Hammerfell?

What kind of help are you looking for? I'm good at creating landscapes, interiors, textures ect., but completely useless at scripting(haven't bothered learning how to yet), and animation.
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Alexis Estrada
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 12:15 pm

I've been reading a lot of valenwood lore and learned that I have to build a tree-city made of non-organic material build in a mile high tree.
Sounds cool, I'll be focusing on http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Lore:Falinesti. Luckily for me, the tree doesn't move anymore.
But I have to make it look like it could just walk away... And since Falinesti is Bosmer build, and Bosmers abide by the Green Pact, it cannot look like it's build from materials coming from the flora and fauna

This whole thing sounds awesome. I may have to try my hand at exterior building a bit so I can do something with this. Kinda curious though about what could be used to make houses in the trees that aren't organic?
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Melanie Steinberg
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 7:15 pm

I've been messing around with the CS for a couple years, but only got into modding and uploading those mods this past summer. I have only released two mods thus far(http://planetelderscrolls.gamespy.com/View.php?view=User.EntriesListing&id=441055). Aside from those mods, I'm decent at texturing and have dabbled in 3d modeling. But am no expert in either.

What kind of help are you looking for? I'm good at creating landscapes, interiors, textures ect., but completely useless at scripting(haven't bothered learning how to yet), and animation.

WEll at the moment i am in the middle of collecting resoruces so give me a day or so to get everything together. Scripting isnt an issuie atm as its just landscaping that needs doing.

I have a claims system, so i will contact you with details :)
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Nienna garcia
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 4:35 pm

I've been messing around with the CS for a couple years, but only got into modding and uploading those mods this past summer. I have only released two mods thus far(http://planetelderscrolls.gamespy.com/View.php?view=User.EntriesListing&id=441055). Aside from those mods, I'm decent at texturing and have dabbled in 3d modeling. But am no expert in either.

What kind of help are you looking for? I'm good at creating landscapes, interiors, textures ect., but completely useless at scripting(haven't bothered learning how to yet), and animation.

Im sure any help would be appreciated, i think at the moment its gonna be mostly landscaping :) and then move onto modelling and sorting textures out

This whole thing sounds awesome. I may have to try my hand at exterior building a bit so I can do something with this. Kinda curious though about what could be used to make houses in the trees that aren't organic?

Well your more than welcome to take part, this is the idea of the project, to get as many people involved as possible :)

And as for the tree, i would make it kind of like a telvanni building, where as the tower would be the trunk, and all the pods and things would be branches. Could even have walkways on the branches or whatever, sounds cool anyway
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Ownie Zuliana
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 6:41 pm

im glad for you, but the TR team made only 2 maps, and i think that each was like half the size of Vvardenfell. and I think those took a couple years.

imagine trying to detail, texture, add transport, add NPC's, add items, add buildings, add towns, add cities, add animals....that is around 2 times the size of Vvardenfell for the Black Marsh and Skyrim, aroudn 3 times the size for Cyrodiil and Hammerfell, and around the same size for the rest of Morrowind, High Rock, Elsweyr, Valenwood, and Summerset Isle.

and all that isn't even counting the scripts, factions, quests, and dungeons.

even if you had the entire gamesas team, all the best modders, and yourself working on this at the same time, 5 days a week, with around 10-12 hours a day, you'll be odne in around 7 years. hell, it took them 5 years to release oblivion, which is only 1 province!

im not saying odnt try, im just saying...dont get your hopes up and dont expect this to go anywhere.
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Rebekah Rebekah Nicole
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 1:51 am

im glad for you, but the TR team made only 2 maps, and i think that each was like half the size of Vvardenfell. and I think those took a couple years.

They have released two maps. They've been working on the others as well, they are not doing them one by one.
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Jennifer Munroe
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 8:33 pm

Well you see, the thing im thinking is, if you just made all the exteriors, and didn't bother hugely with interiors for a while, nor scripting NPC's and quests and whatever. It wouldn't take that long...

Then as the land and statics are built up, people could step in, add a quest here and there, im basically talking about a HUUGE community of all morrowind modders, anyone is welcome, any experience level
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Cedric Pearson
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 5:13 pm

But then it'd be inconsistent.
If you just have different modders screwing around building this here and that there, it'd end up screwy in so many ways.
More buildings in popular provinces, some buildings overdone, some crappy, a lazy system like that wouldn't work well.
And people with more specialised skills, such as modellers and scripters, are going to be worked to death with a project like this.

Yes, you would need a huge community (which we don't really have), but they'd also need to be experienced modders too.
I'm voting great idea, but too much work.
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Monika Fiolek
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 10:03 pm

Well obviously, the moderators for each province would overview everything submitted in the same way TR would do, but all im saying is focus on the exterior cells first, then work on things such as quests and whatnot.

All new models would be made the same way as always, trying to keep it in fitting with the tamriel world. Im not suggesting we be lazy about the whole thing and just copy and paste crap all over the region.

Each region would be handled in a formal way, and if you ask me, getting the exterior pretty much covered would not take many people very long.

The main reason i have made all these provinces, in seperate ESP's and to scale is so that if anyone willing enough thinks, you know what i fancy starting a large mod of wherever, they can get a map here that is the exact shape and scale, it would be great to have all current projects intertwined and working on various regions with each other.
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Cat Haines
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 5:17 pm

Seeing all the justified doubts involved about the feasibility (or perhaps sensibility? Who knows?) of this undertaking,
the overall-idea is still intriguing. I was allowed to see the huge landmass of Skyrim in one piece and it's just something that...
well, its fascinating and it feels like it is possible to do. Having this "enormous" continent of 30x15 kilometers throughoutly detailled.

Then again a continent only for the sake of being able to go everywhere and see something... I suppose, it wouldn't be worth the effort.
If we were able to bring the provinces to the detailment and diversity of Vvardenfell... awesome!
But I guess, we are all aware of the amount of work involved in such a task. It's... let's not talk about it. Thousands of interior and exterior cells. Then the necessary 3D-art, npc's, dialogue, quests. A well-worked out culture. A fitting style. Blabla.

Now, seeing that a complete Tamriel is almost impossible to do,
I still think this doesn't mean we shouldn't work on it.

I personally think the approach of Midgetalien is a good one. You don't need to make all of it at once. You can start at a region about as large as Solstheim, or whatever and bring it to the right detailment.
Like that we can have as much of Tamriel as possible even if we lack the the sources to do the whole thing. The desire for a whole Tamriel has been addressed several times already. I say, we can't fullfill that wish by 100%, but perhaps 30-45%. It's better than nothing.

That said, I have the following idea. Monkey could establish something like a collaboration platform, a website.
The various projects working on TR-provinces could use that platform to exchange sources, make enquiries, agreements, arrangements etc. Many of the projects could use some publicity. While many know TR, only few are aware of a Cyrodil-mod for Morrowind being made.
So that site should link to the mentioned projects. The other way around the projects could link to that platform.

Then that site could make periodical announcements about achievements made in one of the projects. Screenshots of all projects and other eyecandy-things. The site being goodlooking designed, including forums etc.
Perhaps there could even be collaboration with other projects of larger scale not working on a specific province.
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KiiSsez jdgaf Benzler
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 2:07 am

Well obviously, the moderators for each province would overview everything submitted in the same way TR would do, but all im saying is focus on the exterior cells first, then work on things such as quests and whatnot.

All new models would be made the same way as always, trying to keep it in fitting with the tamriel world. Im not suggesting we be lazy about the whole thing and just copy and paste crap all over the region.

Each region would be handled in a formal way, and if you ask me, getting the exterior pretty much covered would not take many people very long.

The main reason i have made all these provinces, in seperate ESP's and to scale is so that if anyone willing enough thinks, you know what i fancy starting a large mod of wherever, they can get a map here that is the exact shape and scale, it would be great to have all current projects intertwined and working on various regions with each other.

I know you couldn't just copy and paste, but thats the problem, there aren't many modellers willing to work on something like this.
And exterior work is a small part of a project like this.

Look, it's a great idea, and great that you made the maps, it's just... well, it seems a little too optimistic and ambitious to me.
You're suggesting on doing something similar to TR, but for the whole of tamriel region by region right?
Until at least one province mod has been finished, to a fast pace and of high quality, doesn't it seem a little too much to think of working on the rest of tamriel?

The resource in this thread is fine, but I'm discussing my thoughts on the idea.
I'm just saying what I think about it, if anyone thinks they'll enjoy working on a project like this then go for it. Do what's fun, not what other people want you to do, modding's a hobby not a job.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 11:01 pm

And I totally agree with you.

So far, as far as i am aware the provinces being worked on are
and Hammerfell

How far along these are I couldn't tell you, but you'll probably agree, it would be great to at least see these regions complete, and with quests and such.

I personally am not fussed if it takes years to complete, it will be fun, and I'd love to see loads of people joining projects and lending their hand
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Phillip Hamilton
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 12:14 pm

That all depends how accurate their map is, but im planning to work with them, if they make themselves heard here. Then i would like to have a discussion about plans and such

I am part of P:C. :P

ZXT012's a member of our group too, and appears to be looking at this thread right now, so...
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Eduardo Rosas
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 10:29 pm

:P And you think its a good idea?
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Sarah Knight
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 11:58 pm

Well you see, the thing im thinking is, if you just made all the exteriors, and didn't bother hugely with interiors for a while, nor scripting NPC's and quests and whatever. It wouldn't take that long...

I'm curious if many people think this is the right order to do things. From what I have seen, it often is.

As for me, I think it's backwards. I think the order should be: write the story, write the quests, write all the dialogue, design the interiors, then do the landmass. The idea is that the story concept drives the all the design from top down. Otherwise, you have some somewhat random environment design dictating practical constraints on your story.

But, maybe it's just me that feels this way.
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Angus Poole
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 3:46 pm

ZXT012's a member of our group too, and appears to be looking at this thread right now, so...

... rolling in and at this point is missing only Quixote. And I have already given to SGMonkey the links to our forum and blogs.
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Nadia Nad
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 11:06 pm

this sounds pretty good but if you're doing hammerfell you'll have to work hard to compete with what Tamriel Rebuilt is doing. good luck :)

EDIT: sorry i just realised this was morrowind not oblivion. i think it sounds like a great idea im not a modder but id happily download this. just make sure that when ur finished doin this to put it up on either Planet Elder Scrolls or TESNexus please
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 7:04 pm

this sounds pretty good but if you're doing hammerfell you'll have to work hard to compete with what Tamriel Rebuilt is doing. good luck :)

EDIT: sorry i just realised this was morrowind not oblivion. i think it sounds like a great idea im not a modder but id happily download this. just make sure that when ur finished doin this to put it up on either Planet Elder Scrolls or TESNexus please

The project isnt intended as a competition, more a collaboration of all interested modders.

And it will be a while before any of this gets uploaded to either site :P

But keep youe eyes pealed, and thanks for the interest :thumbsup:
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Harry Hearing
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 10:28 am

I'm curious if many people think this is the right order to do things. From what I have seen, it often is.

As for me, I think it's backwards. I think the order should be: write the story, write the quests, write all the dialogue, design the interiors, then do the landmass. The idea is that the story concept drives the all the design from top down. Otherwise, you have some somewhat random environment design dictating practical constraints on your story.

But, maybe it's just me that feels this way.

Wouldn't you need to do the quests, interiors and landmass together? Making quests without locations sounds pretty tough.
Or do you just mean plan it before the locations are built, in which case that makes a lot of sense.
I agree with getting a story sorted out before anything else.

Imo the main thing with this is to get everything planned out properly first.
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Mr. Ray
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 6:54 pm

I'm thinking the same as Dirnae. I wish you all the best of luck with this huge endeavor, but oh boy is it going to be a long hard road for you. :P
Think about TR Map 1. It's been out for a year and a half and still has bugs and unfinished quests.

I'm also thinking the same thing as john. Start with the small details, like story, quests, personalities, and then work outwards.

The best advice is to do everything on paper first. Otherwise you'll end up confusion. Even small mods should have detailed outlines, or you get sidetracked.

Anyways. Good luck. I might join in some time to help when I have a surplus of time. :)
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JUan Martinez
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 1:29 pm

No doubt about it, and what i mean was to get all the cities and exterior locations made first

And im not planning on doing this all by myself, as I have mentioned, it's an idea for a community based group of mods's,

If someone would like to take a region and start a group of modders then that's great, its really not intended to be MY project

When someone does take a region and start work, it's up to that group to decide how they manage their work flow, what to do first, what to prioritize
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 2:17 am

ZXT012's a member of our group too, and appears to be looking at this thread right now, so...

... rolling in and at this point is missing only Quixote. And I have already given to SGMonkey the links to our forum and blogs.

SGMonkey and i had a brief exchange over PMs, where i told him i saw no problem in cooperating.

i really like the maps. makes me wish P:C had chosen that route, instead of attempting to recreate the entire landmass of Cyrodiil by hand. unfortunately, by the time i took over as Admin, all of that had already been decided and work had begun.

there are tons of resources out there that, with a little tweaking, could trim a bit of the work involved on such a huge undertaking. there's still much that would have to be done from scratch, though. it all comes down to how excited modders get (and stay) about the project and how much they believe in it. there's still a lot of talent around here, it's just that most choose to work "freelance", doing what they will on their own schedule.
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Kat Stewart
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 11:37 pm

Wouldn't you need to do the quests, interiors and landmass together? Making quests without locations sounds pretty tough.
Or do you just mean plan it before the loacations are built, in which case that makes a lot of sense.

Yes, I'm just saying plan it first, starting with the story. So you would already have planned out the cities and wilderness environment to suit your story and quests, before you build them.
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Marquis T
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 2:12 pm

That's a good idea yes, and you can also get a good idea of what some towns and villages are like by researching the lore of the land :P

I think it's a great idea, im not saying it's easy, or a quick to make mod, but it will be enjoyable seeing Tamriel in its entirety coming to life, much like watching over TR as I have done for several years :)
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