I hate building exteriors/landscape, but I'll gladly make Interiors (for any type of cave/ruin/house) and make all sorts of quests, big and small.
That stuff I can do in my sleep,

and I have extra ideas I can contribute for this.
What resources are being used for this project?
Only Bethesda and TR would seem the best idea. Lore friendly and easy to use. If we all use different resources, the world will look very strange.
OK, as of right now, I am making some Bandit/Smuggler caves interiors for anyone who needs them. They will be fully finished, with correct lighting/pathgrids/NPCs that behave correctly, none of that half finished stuff you sometimes see... elsewhere.
Even if they aren't needed for months, it's what I feel like making right now.

To answer your first question, i wouldn't be surprised if each project had its own resources, after all, each province will look quite different.
And all projects should exchange resources and generally help out where possible if need

I'm sure any interiors donated to any of the projects will be very welcome.

If your so good at exteriors, why don't you lend a hand with us on Skyrim?
ok - I have done the research. I am collecting resources in to an objects esp. Time lines already exist with links provided. Including current events. We have a beastiary already linked to.....
..... besides so far nearly everyone is telling me how to do things, how not to do things, how this isnt going to work, how there is too much work. As much as i appricate the help, brining up the smae problems that have already been addressed and that i have repeatedly answered seems pointless.
Thats just my two cents on the matter

- atm its just me on Hammerfell. SO as far as i am concered SHARING everything that i have and learnt seems pointless untill someone steps forward and wishes to help. The more information thats thrown about could make it seem more complicated than it already is. EVERYONE has their own way of doing stuff. The mod has litrally only just started so dont expect anything for now in terms of progress.
Yes can we please stop continuing the arguments about it not working.
If you have any ideas or contributions you are more than welcome.
And Midget Alien, you got any work done on Hammerfell yet?
I have few current mod projects of my own, but if you need scripts I can help with that. Just send me a PM if need arises.
Appreciated, scripts will definitely need to be written

, and a fair few I should imagine

Preach it, Midge!
Yea, as I stated above, I have started compiling a lot of information for Summerset Isles (what can I say, the Mer intrigue me in the ES world), mainly similar sources that you linked to for Hammerfell (sans the addition of TR data on it, since I wager it does not exist). Anyone who knows of information on the Summerset Isles outside of the Imperial Library and the UESP Wiki I would love to know!
Anyways, back to jotting down notes for possible storyline, collecting conceptual photography, and looking for already released modders resources that might fit nicely there.
Cant wait to see what you come up with, let me know what sort of stuff you've dug up