» Sat May 28, 2011 11:30 am
Anyone who thinks that Oblivion-style archery is realistic has never fired a bow before. First of all, you cannot "aim" like a gun with iron sights (well, now you can--but not back then!). In real life you have to train your arm and eye to know what to do while you keep a good stance, since you cannot actually "line up" the tip of the arrow per se...maybe some people can if you hold the bow in a weird way, but I dont see how.
Even if you could aim perfectly, there is always a lot of fluctuation in terms of your minute muscle movements, air, arrow position, draw strength, etc.... meaning your arrows will hit within a general circle around and on your target, but not like a gun where you can just aim for a point and repeatedly hit it.
Make bows more powerful, but harder to weild in order to balance it out.
Make magic faster though, because that was hard to hit things with, especially if you play without the reticule, like I do