» Fri Jun 03, 2011 1:59 am
I know You said You don't want to play MP without LE unlocks and neither did I but seriously, buy the time they fix this, there's gonna be people who started with level 1 and are at level 20. There's already players with level 12 apparently, I was able to join a multiplayer match today and let me tell You it svcks when others have a grenade launcher attachments and proceed to nade spam You to death while You're throwing Hoplite spears at them . . .
Seriously, I'll be rank 12 by the time they fix this nonsense, at which point my promo code becomes useless.
What they should have done is make a code that increases Your rank by 5 ranks not increase it TO 5.
I wouldn't be surprised if there was some error that if You're rank 12 for instance and You activate that code, Your rank will be lowered to 5 to match the "promo code"
What a frackin' joke this all is . . .