» Thu Jun 02, 2011 6:38 pm
I don't know if this is true, but I feel like all of you haven't actually **** read the limited edition ****.. It says that it grants you BONUS XP to boost you to level five.. It doesn't say it's going to make you a level five.. So if you are a level **** 20 or something, you'll just get the extra XP added on to whatever level you already are.
and i quote, from the LE pamphlet that game with the game "BONUS XP - bonus xp awards additional experience points that immediately boost the player up to rank 5, giving access to preset class loadouts in multiplayer"
the word immediately sorta implies it "makes" you level 5
Look what you just said? It grants you BONUS XP BOOSTING YOU TO LEVEL FIVE. It doesn't imply that it "makes" you a level five, it assumes that you've never played the Crysis 2 multiplayer previous to entering the code. Why would they assume you were a higher level? If it said it would actually force you to a level five, then I wouldn't do mp either, but it, and I quote, says "BONUS XPPPPPP" not "AUTOMATIC YOU'RE GOING TO BE LEVEL FIVE REGARDLESS OF WHAT LEVEL YOU ARE". Whatever level you are when you put this code in, it's going to give you the xp need to reach a level five. So if you're a 21 or something, you'll just get BONUS XP.