» Fri Jun 03, 2011 12:08 am
I will post any updates in this thread.
I think it's a joke that this was put up nearly 4 days ago, and Cry-Tom has only posted twice since then, BOTH times nothing to do with the Promo codes.
This, in my opinion has been a massive failing on the side of Support for this game. For a start, Why even use gamespy? It's awful, and everyone knows that. No reason they couldn't have used either EA's online system (which i know, is still shocking, but it's better than gamespy) Or even opted to use Steam Integration.
Secondly, this is supposed to be integrated so you can manage your game account on the website, which is a joke, but i'll get to that later, the reason i mention this, is you'll notice under the logo, this website is still in beta. WHO doesn't fully complete beta testing BEFORE release? Piss poor.
Going back to the supposed link between your in-game account and the gamesas portal. There isn't one.
This is why some/many of you are having no problem registering your key, but seeing no in-game benefit atall. To prove this, i've changed my gamesas password, and am able to log in to the website with the new one, and the game with the old one, but not vice-versa. The accounts are separate, and registering a key to your website account will not in all cases marry up to your in-game account. This is shocking, If you were unable to make a website that worked, why not Allow us to register a key in game? That way, even if the accounts database has shat itself or whatever, at least we'd be able to just get on and play.
I was really excited for Crysis 2, Despite what everyone was biching about a 'bad console port' and lack of DX11, I was still really looking forward to it's release. (Because,. at the end of the day, Graphics aren't everything, it's the game play that makes a game worth playing, One of the best games i played was and still is in DX7) And from what I'd played in the Demo, The game play was brilliant, few bugs with the UI, and things to get used to, but the modules and weapon options all seemed to be worth exploring.
Now, this farce with the accounts and not being able to claim what is rightfully mine, has turned me off the whole franchise. Having said that, I think it's probably having played the Demo which is giving most of us this 'un-matched accounts' issue, those who are creating new accounts seem to have no problem. BUT,. i want my handle, and this is an unacceptable solution.
You had what was THE defining game for PC enthusiasts, Graphically immense, with a huge following, and you've destroyed what WAS set to be the greatest sequel in recent times, all for your hard-on for Money and pandering to the console-whores. I'm not saying the game shouldn't be on Console, but PC is what made you great, without our support for Crysis making it the popular game it was and is today, you would not even is in a position to disappoint us with Crysis 2, and you've done the community a massive dis-service by failing to adequately support a launch.
Well done, Crytek. I hope you are proud of the name you have now made for your self.