» Thu Jun 02, 2011 7:48 pm
Why has it been a full 5, nearly 6 days since release, and reached up to 49+ Pages without an official reply from Cry-Tom? NONE of these issues seem to be being addressed. Support tickets go unanswered, and not even a "We **** up, we're working on it. Sorry" from anyone in a place to say it.
I realize you've got a lot to sort (and i mean, a LOT) but just give us SOME kind of reply to let us know you're not just going to **** over everyone who bought limited edition. We didn't do it because we just decided you guys deserved more money, or we had to spend our full budget on games, and couldn't find anywhere to put the extra few quid, so were forced to buy it. No, we did it because we are fans of the game, and because we thought it would be worth our money. Make our faith in you as a developer valid again, and show us just that you are doing _SOMETHING_
I've already gone and established what your problem is. And when i spoke with EA support, they said something about a patch being released to fix this. This is not something you can fix with a patch. There is a pre-existing account issue which needs to be not only patched going forward, but fixed for those already damaged by the problem. This problem, incase you a) don't know, or b) haven't bothered reading the replies I've put in this forum so far, is that the account we log into IN GAME, does NOT match the account used on the website, and therefore the account against which the code has been redeemed.
Reading the thread here:
I'm not 100% sure the guy has gotten it exactly right, but the talk of different databases does support all the evidence I've seen so far. This is something that YOU, the people running both/all-three databases, need to fix.
Now, Onto a more helpful note. People who are having issues with Registering your keys, IF you have the problem described here:
"Page with promo-code not working.
http://gyazo.com/81210fc1ec2eee5a31e7fdd165e06a1c.png "
This would appear to be a problem with cookies, or rather, your browsers' handling of them. This occurs because the code needing to be redeemed, not with Crytek, but instead with gamespy's servers, and therefore you need to have 3rd party cookie's accepted, or prompted for, in order for this to happen. A good way to check to see if this is your problem, is by configuring your browser prompt when a cookie is requested, so you can see the URL of each cookie being saved, and watch for the game spy address.
I also, Want to see NO ONE else telling the community to change browser, or use an alternate one. This has worked for YOU, but is NOT the solution. The reason one will be working where another isn't, will be due to the browser configuration, and not what the browser does and does not support. Do not jump to conclusions of this nature, because the world is bigger than just your experience.
I realize most of this post is pointless, because the stupidity of a large percentage of the Internet means no one will actually read the forum to see if there's anything helpful, and will instead just post their own little rant about how **** Crytek is, instead of writing anything actually helpful.
My hope is, someone from Crytek will see this post, and perhaps sticky it so more people will see it.
Now, since I've done your job for you, I think my good will towards this community command some sort of gratitude. Please do what you can to look at my support ticket, and fixing my problem. Please be in touch, and provide active feedback to your users. I for one, Don't mind if my online stats are reset, ONCE, as part of this fix, as long as the problem is resolved after that, since i'm already well past level 5, being set to that level would not be useful, and i could have had the holographic under-barrel attachment for the SCAR by now as well. But It would be perhaps possible for you to provide an Alternate bonus to your Pre-order customers, since what you originally offered is now useless to the vast majority of us, and i somehow doubt I would have paid extra for your limited edition JUST for the dog-tag. Do something for the fans you've disappointed, and give us reason to believe in you, and your future releases again.
Pleas for help, and kindest regards