» Thu Jun 02, 2011 6:16 pm
its been almost a month since the issue first came about, it would be nice to see Crytek get more involved in trying to solve the limited edition code redemption issue, id like to see them actually ask the people what problems they are having exactly, what type of messages they are receiving or better than that create some sort of form submission system where limited edition users like myself can actually submit information for different categories like what operating system are you using, how fast is ur internet, have u been able to redeem ur code on the gamesas website. Rather than ignoring this topic as the post and view count increases daily. Even EA support isnt any help, i submitted a support request on the 10th of april and was bounced around by different people and departments and i was asked to include a copy of my computer's directx diagnostics files for my $2000+ quad core gaming system!! From there i get a reply back from a different person saying "Being a Gamer i can understand ur frustration", yeh ya think. After that i was asked to check my EA download manager and look for where they had added a "limited edition" game entry, for 1 i bought the game from amazon as a physical DVD, i didnt download any part of the game to get it installed. After that obviously didnt work i got directed from someone from a higher level of EA support to this very topic. So crytek doesnt seem to be doing anything about it, EA is relying on crytek to do something, so i ask of crytek, acknowledge that this issue still exists and that ur currently doing something even if its vague in detail. Ask us some questions, put some people with issues on a list to test for solutions PLEASE JUST FIX THIS ISSUE i just want my moneys worth.