» Fri Jun 03, 2011 7:28 am
*sigh* - this is getting ridiculous
I've given up all hope of redeeming the code on this account which I created during the demo (due to the 'you must be logged in...' error)
Out of curiosity, I made a second account today with a different email. Lo-and-behold, the redeem code page worked fine on that account. I logged out of that account and back onto this one and the redeem code page worked.
Obviously I entered the code with this account logged in and it was in fact redeemed on the other account. Strangely enough, the transaction shows up when logged in on either account (with the same transaction details as well)
I talked to EA support and got a new code, but I'm hesitant to use it until I'm sure the same thing won't happen again
This is seriously infuriating. Can I at least have a makeshift solution like deleting this account and getting the email/username of the newer account changed to those of this account (seeing as I cannot delete the account and recreate a new one with the same details...).
After reading this I also tried the same thing, creating a new account lets me see the redeem code page. I didn't enter in my code though, instead I deleted cookies and active logins and stuff, then coming back to the page in the new account.
Using the new account right after clearing cookies and stuff works, then logging out and logging into this account also works. Using this account right after clearing cookies and stuff doesn't show the redeem code page.
For some reason the redeem code page doesn't work for this account, the one I want to use it on, but it only works on the new account.
Please fix, it's been more than a month and I'm really starting to lose confidence in Crytek.