okay my friend pre ordered his game from steam. than he gave me his LE code. i reedemed it but it was for platinium dogtag. i contact ea and asked "i have a code for platinium can you exchange it for golden one ?". they said "contact us in 24-48 hours later" after 2 days i contact again. they gave me code for golden. i tried to redeem it on gamesas but it said code not found. and tried it on origin same error too. at first i thought that is because i redeemed platinium code but i was wrong. i tried that code on my friends account too but same problem again so ea want me to write my problem on forums. i ve already tried 3 different LE codes and uninstall the game and origin.
ps: i tried AAAABBBBCCCC ,AAAA-BBBB-CCCC, non of them worked
here is some pictures which will explain my problem
and other problem i have complated all assesments but my game is still in %98.