Prone or No Prone?

Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 12:54 am

I hope prone gets implemented. I mean come on.. we could slide with the suit but we can't prone with the suit.. That aside, prone opens the game up for more tactical choices then just running and gunning. Some people may agree that it would influence people to camp which could get annoying sometimes; but that isn't a problem because the suit can maximize armor and we have grenades/flashes to flush people out of camping zones. All I'm saying is that prone will make the game more fun and interesting because it creates more tactical diversity. Right now, not a lot of people snipe. The majority use machine guns and run around. Putting prone will influence some people to start sniping. Which is a good thing because it brings more tactical diversity to the game.
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 10:07 am
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Raymond J. Ramirez
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 6:56 am

For Crysis 2, no prone is definitely the way to go. It's meant to be a fast-paced, intense shooter. Prone would most commonly be used for dropshooting and I've had my fair share of super-bunny-hopping to have more crap to deal with.
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RObert loVes MOmmy
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 1:15 am

For Crysis 2, no prone is definitely the way to go. It's meant to be a fast-paced, intense shooter. Prone would most commonly be used for dropshooting and I've had my fair share of super-bunny-hopping to have more crap to deal with.

While I do agree with what you are saying with the feel of Crysis 2, the fact that they didn't give you the option even if you never used it just boggles my mind. I think prone would easily have more effect in multiplayer then in singleplayer imo, being able to lower your overall silhouette and make you a harder target to hit is always better and more tactical.

In Crysis 1 prone also increased your accuracy which was needed to pull off long distance shots more successfully which I can see making a huge impact in multiplayer for those that choose to go the sniper route (like myself :) shoot, even COD has prone and I would say the pace of that multiplayer is just as "intense and fast-paced".

I don't know why you would create a FPS today without a prone option, and still call it a "tactical" shooter at that; it would be like making a racing game and not giving the cars tires....just doesn't make sense to me. It would be like putting a sniper rifle / class into a fps game and then not giving you the prone option to increase accuracy.......oh wait... >,<
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Gavin boyce
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 11:17 am

Prone doesn't work in games with map design such as Crysis 2.
Now, Crysis 2 has similar maps to MW2. Except with verticality. And balance. And variety. And beauty. And competence.
Moving on.

So, in MW2 and Crysis Wars, even, proning had 2 major flaws:
-Instant faceplants which take 0.5 seconds, gaining accuracy as you fall, landing directly on your nose, but you retain perfect accuracy
-More camping. Particularly in long grass.

Finally, Right now, not a lot of people snipe. The majority use machine guns and run around. Putting prone will influence some people to start sniping. Which is a good thing because it brings more tactical diversity to the game.
Sniping = camping = bad

So.... Nope! :)
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Taylrea Teodor
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 8:56 pm

Prone doesn't work in games with map design such as Crysis 2.
Now, Crysis 2 has similar maps to MW2. Except with verticality. And balance. And variety. And beauty. And competence.
Moving on.

So, in MW2 and Crysis Wars, even, proning had 2 major flaws:
-Instant faceplants which take 0.5 seconds, gaining accuracy as you fall, landing directly on your nose, but you retain perfect accuracy
-More camping. Particularly in long grass.

Finally, Right now, not a lot of people snipe. The majority use machine guns and run around. Putting prone will influence some people to start sniping. Which is a good thing because it brings more tactical diversity to the game.
Sniping = camping = bad

So.... Nope! :)

People are already camping even without prone so honestly camping is always going to happen no matter what, there will always be spots that people tend to camp that give better views of the battlefield.

There are so many ways to maneuver and so many ways to sneak up on people that even if you are sniping in prone position you wont be for long with the tracer option and the nanovision. Sure some maps are designed for close quarters combat but there are other maps like Statue and Sanctuary with enough open space to give people the option of going sniper.

The whole point is it gives more tactical options for evading line of sight and generally being a sneaky bastard, if you want a mindless pure fragfest play unreal tournament, tactical shooters should have options and should require actual thinking and skill to be a decent player.
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 9:46 am

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Dalley hussain
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 9:40 am

no, because it doesn't fit the style of gameplay and/or pace of Crysis 2. Prone is an excellent feature, but it can also make a game broken/bad. It's very ovverrated.
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Judy Lynch
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 10:13 pm

Do you know how hard it would be to spot a guy who is cloaked AND prone?
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Red Sauce
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 1:58 am

If this were Crysis, I'd vote yes. This is Crysis 2, however.
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Jinx Sykes
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 5:49 am

No no no and nooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!

We don't want another quick-prone close combat fiasco, thank you. Prone will only get abused.
If they were to include prone it'd have to have a very heavy penalty to go prone. Like total inaccuracy while dropping down and getting up and it'd need to be rather slow and not instantly.
Those are the only ways to prevent close combat proning. By making it absolutely useless in close combat. You don't prone in close combat like those fools do in CoD or BF2 or other games which have that feature.
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