You have a point.
But prone would lead to slowing down the pace of the game even more.
Except that the game doesn't allow for the pace to slow any further.
They've said that there will be timers set up from point to point, not as an overall, so you can't slow it down beyond the five minutes it will give you to get done with each objective.
In the timed mode it gets sped up even more because you're timed obviously.
The only thing prone does (assuming you keep off the dropshot) is allow a few styles of play a little more movement ability. SMART, and sliding in particular, are tools for a certain set of styles, other styles don't have as many tools in the movement department.
Now I'm not crusading for prone to be put in or anything, but I'm trying to keep minds open about other play styles. Just watching where this thread, and the anti-sniper poll, among others are leaning I'm concerned that there's going to be a negative shift in the community, and I'd just like to sway a few players before it happens :foodndrink: