Er, I'll take the non-existent "don't care either way" option, lol.
The only thing I don't get is, why would you go prone? Is that the lying down like in Call of Duty or is it a "pretend-to-be-dead" thing, lol?
If it's the lying down thing, I don't mind if people use it or not. It's like choosing to sit in a corner.
I don't get the hatred (never played online, so I may be unaware of the dangers?).
Just throw a grenade at the person and punch him in the face (and then have your friends focus fire on him) if you have to, lol.
It's the "lying down like in Callof Duty".
As for the hate, there are numerous styles of play and players of particular styles don't like players of other styles because it forces them to think about how they play.
The negativity surrounding "camping" (camping is a very broad term mind you) stems from objective games like Counter Strike, where players from the "attacking" team wouldn't go for an objective and would instead "camp" and wait for the "defending" team to stop "camping" and come and fight. It was more or less a bunch of sissies that didn't want to fight against an entrenched force making an excuse for why they shouldn't have to.
In TDM games it becomes a different issue because you get some players that find a random place (dark corner) and sit waiting for people to walk by, not entirely unlike the sport that we call "hunting". Some stop and "camp" to cover the team's rear, but others flat out hide in an attempt to save their KDR at the expense of letting the team suffer.
It's a defensive style and has validity and value in games, but between those that outright abuse it and the players that don't want to have to "look first before crossing the street" so to speak, it takes a huge amount of criticism.