» Tue May 03, 2011 2:41 am
My god so many stupid people on these forums.
There is no hidden secret. Crytek said that Crysis 2 and the engine will support DX11 eventually in a later patch, that's basically confirmed (+ the fact that the leaked beta had work in progress DX11 stuff in it). They've never stated that they never mentioned anything about DX11, just that there is no real official statement (Aside from the coming in a patch thing) so all the BS that surrounds stupid people mentioning it is mostly speculation.
People seem to think that changing to DX11 is as simple as changing the version number and pressing the 'make everything look better' button. It isn't. To take true advantage of the upgrade you need to write a whole bunch of code, this takes time, and takes far longer then the mere 2+ weeks they've had so far.
Why wasn't DX11 on release you ask. Because from a financial and time management sense, it isn't worth it. Not because PC gaming isn't worth it, but because the amount of people that can even open a DX11 game is 5.6% of you. That's it. Most of the people complaining think that somehow adding DX11 support will change their DX9/10 cards and make the game look better and are jumping on the bandwagon of stupid. Newsflash: For most people DX11 will do nothing, and in the short term, working on it is a waste of time (Sandbox 3, SDK and bug fixes are FAAAAR more important and will effect 100% of the playerbase).
this is the real reason why there is no crysis 2 dx11
why dx11 won't show up til summer and why crytek is quiet
Post 31/03/11
I am actually going to say that both crytek and EA or at fault but I believe the lionshare of the blame is on crytek thou.
If you remember last year after E3 crysis 2 was originally slated for a fall launch. it was going to be launched in september or october but then got delayed til March of 2011. This means crytek told EA they could not get this out the door on time and EA made some adjustments to there release schedule to accomodate Crytek.
Now understand EA is a publicly held company which means ownership is in the hands of shareholders and the perception of how well or how bad the company is doing is usually perceived by perception. For example poor reviews of Medal of Honor, caused the stock price of EA to drop dramatically because of the poor reviews. Although I could understand why they released Medal of Honor when they did and in the state that it was in was because the market for that game was rapidly closing. There is no way that a polished medal of honor could have even began to compete with BF3 and EA knew what it had with BF3. That's why that game got released in october in the state that its currently in. You also have to take into account that the big wigs at EA are under pressure from the market and shareholders in regards to competing with activision.
My belief is that originally crysis 2 was not going to be a dx11 game at all and it was just going to get released last fall. But then Nvidia steps in with 2 million dollars with a deal regarding this game and I believe this was the real reason for the delay in the first place. EA/Crytek took Nvidia's 2 mil and said we can implement dx11 on the pc side and also optimize the game for FXAA. EA then asked crytek when could you get this done and they said in the spring. EA said can u do it before the end of the 2nd quarter and Crytek said yes. EA said good cause we need this out by then to please our shareholders and the market.
Now here is where the problem starts. Cryengine 3 does not support direct x11 currently. So if you are going to build a game with dx11 your going to have to have a tool that can implement those features. So that means they have to build a dx11 capable version of cryengine 3 before they could implement dx11 features in crysis 2.
So crytek made them a dx11 version of cryengine 3 but by the time they got it working or at least got it functional enough that they could begin converting crysis 2 console version to dx11 pc version, time was rapidly running out .(note: if you look on crytek's mycryengine website you will find no where on that site that says cryengine 3 supports dx11. )
Crytek knew they would not have a dx11 version in time so they said it would be patched in later. But once you have an engine that would enable those features your going to have to have assets to place in the game to take advantage of those features. And I am willing to bet that's what they are doing now or they could have the assets but lack the tool to take advantage of them and that would probably explain Tiago Sousa's tweet the other day.
So I place a lot of the blame on crytek because they built a game around dx9, but told Nvidia that they could deliver on dx11 on release date which was false.
This also explains why there is no sandbox editor because the dx11 one can only be found with crytek and it would not make since to release a dx11 tool with a game that was built in dx9. Nor would it make since to release a dx9 tool for a game that suppose to be dx11.
The whole point of the secrecy probably has to do more with cryengine 3 then anything else. Cryengine 3's selling point has been that you could build all your versions of the game simultaenously , but from what is taking place here , makes that selling point questionable
Now for a timeline
E3 2010 crysis 2 was slated for a fall christmas launch in 2010
then in the beginning of august 2010 we find crysis delayed til first quarter 2011
as shown here : http://www.1up.com/news/crysis-2-delayed-2011-financial
but then we find out a month later as why the delay has occurred. It has to do with nvidia and there 2 million dollars. you can see more info on this here
http://www.kitguru.net/components/graph ... on-crysis/
and then 2 months later we get an article on crysis 2 regarding the game being redesigned for the gtx580. But we know now that it really was for the the gtx590. You can read that here
http://www.kitguru.net/components/graph ... ct-delays/
this is why you won't see crysis 2 dx11 til probably summer. The thing is thou will anyone care by then, because I bet the BF3 beta will be active by the time dx11 crysis 2 see's the light of day