DX 11 PROOF!!!!

Post » Mon May 02, 2011 6:17 pm


Cevat Yerli stating the following. “A supersoldier that needs to save NYC from an alien invasion needs the best tech possible. That’s not only his Nanosuit, but also stunning DX11 geometric realism that a GPU like the GeForce GTX 580 can offer for our PC gamers.”

CRY ADAM/TOM what's the "official response" to this?
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Post » Tue May 03, 2011 2:40 am

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Len swann
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Post » Mon May 02, 2011 6:52 pm

Screenshoted and backed up to the Internet Archive in case Cevat or someone at EA or CryTek decides to take that link down.
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Louise Andrew
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Post » Tue May 03, 2011 3:42 am

Their response will be that it's all a capitalist Nvidea plot to subvert funds from them. damn capitalist pigs :P
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Sabrina Schwarz
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Post » Tue May 03, 2011 3:39 am

The official response is the same as it's been. It's coming in a patch eventually. You "uncovered" a a secret or something. Old news.
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Post » Mon May 02, 2011 6:11 pm

I posted this because of all the freaking threads saying crysis 2 was never supposed to have DX11 which is utter crap but since they couldn't find ANYTHING about it they must be right. Well obviously they wouldn't look very hard. How the frick is going to try hard to prove themselves wrong.
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Post » Mon May 02, 2011 11:49 pm

Man, Borss. For an undercover CryTek mod, you're pretty rude.
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kristy dunn
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Post » Tue May 03, 2011 3:19 am


"Crysis 2 will support DirectX 11 but we'll talk more about that in the future. There's an announcement coming soon about that."
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Dean Ashcroft
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Post » Mon May 02, 2011 7:51 pm


"Crysis 2 will support DirectX 11 but we'll talk more about that in the future. There's an announcement coming soon about that."

Coming soon and it was about a month ago. I hope his next delivery boy says coming soon and shows up a month later. Then maybe he'd figure out the whole time thing.
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Hilm Music
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Post » Mon May 02, 2011 5:33 pm

Man, Borss. For an undercover CryTek mod, you're pretty rude.

For a moron, your pretty dumb. WTF is an undercover mod?
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Post » Tue May 03, 2011 4:14 am

Man, Borss. For an undercover CryTek mod, you're pretty rude.

For a moron, your pretty dumb. WTF is an undercover mod?

Hrm, maybe you're just a plain douche bag who can't take a joke. *sigh*
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jeremey wisor
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Post » Mon May 02, 2011 6:04 pm

Man, Borss. For an undercover CryTek mod, you're pretty rude.

For a moron, your pretty dumb. WTF is an undercover mod?
an undercover mod is obviously a mod who is undercover...
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Jade Barnes-Mackey
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Post » Tue May 03, 2011 4:10 am

Man, Borss. For an undercover CryTek mod, you're pretty rude.

For a moron, your pretty dumb. WTF is an undercover mod?

Hrm, maybe you're just a plain douche bag who can't take a joke. *sigh*

My bad. I thought a joke was supposed to be funny.....
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Alexander Lee
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Post » Tue May 03, 2011 12:42 am

Hrm, maybe you're just a plain douche bag who can't take a joke. *sigh*

My bad. I thought a joke was supposed to be funny.....

it would be if you had any sense of humour , your life must be a sad one T_T .
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Post » Mon May 02, 2011 3:28 pm

the date is 9th november 2010, it's outdated
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A Dardzz
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Post » Mon May 02, 2011 4:38 pm

Reading the dumb threads on this forum makes me sad.
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kirsty joanne hines
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Post » Mon May 02, 2011 7:19 pm

the date is 9th november 2010, it's outdated

the date is irrelevant. it could have happened in 2008. the fact is is that the CEO said it.
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Post » Mon May 02, 2011 11:01 pm

Borss: The official response from the cryadmins is that "we never said anything about DX11. What are you guys talking about? There is no patch unless we say so."

I guess things are confusing because Cevat and others constantly blagged on about how "The pc version will be the best looking by far and it will fully support DX11" every chance those whores got. Its confusing because they outright lied, its confusing because they are denying it now (since they are getting sued because of it), its confusing because the official position now is "What DX11 support? We never said that."

The ONLY reason the PC community is reacting this hard is because Cry promised over and over and over again that this was a PC game first and that they "bent consoles to their will" to get it running on ancient hardware. They constantly promised it would be at the cutting edge. They delivered a product that quite clearly was developed with consoles as the target. The PC version is an afterthought. They lied about everything. I may as well fire up an xbox 360 emulator on my PC to play this game - it would probably play much better actually. Crytek bit off way more than they could chew. What they released would not even qualify as a release candidate at most studios operating at the funding level crytek has.

What I find absolutely hilarious now is the silence from Crytek. Cevat et al could not keep their **** mouths shut before. Now that the secret is out these greedy, corrupt, and lazy **** have nothing to say. ****, ever the console versions of Crysis 2 are buggy as ****. I honestly have to wonder if they tested anything before pressing out. This is unbelievable. Crytek is a victim of their own early success - they grew to fast. They should have outsourced the console versions to 3rd parties and instead focused 100% on the PC version. Had they done that the current situation would not exist. Granted the developments costs would have gone up marginally but they would have moved more units. Cryteks decision to save a bit of cash is going to cost them dearly. I would honestly never buy another of their games again - and I am far from alone. Hell, I have a licensing decisions to make quite soon and this release just guaranteed that CE3 is no longer an option. I have no problem telling my client to write Epic a check for 550K per platform since their software works and the games they release prove it. Crytek is looking more like amateurs than professionals.
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Post » Mon May 02, 2011 6:52 pm

Actually their official comment has been "no comment." I'm guessing the forum mods are not allowed to mention it. One of the Crtek developers tweeted that they are working on it. They probably haven't made an official comment because they want to wait until it's ready. I don't know why they haven't said anything "officially"but I wish they would because I'm tired of all of the pointless threads debating about something that NONE of US has the answer to. Besides, I don't think it's gonna be a huge difference but it's probably gonna hurt framerates and everyone's gonna start biching about poor performance. i can't wait for that.

As far as you're remark about an xbox emulator. Clearly you haven't played the XBOX version. The PC version looks WAY better. And who is suing Crytek? Link?
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chirsty aggas
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Post » Mon May 02, 2011 11:01 pm

My god so many stupid people on these forums.

There is no hidden secret. Crytek said that Crysis 2 and the engine will support DX11 eventually in a later patch, that's basically confirmed (+ the fact that the leaked beta had work in progress DX11 stuff in it). They've never stated that they never mentioned anything about DX11, just that there is no real official statement (Aside from the coming in a patch thing) so all the BS that surrounds stupid people mentioning it is mostly speculation.

People seem to think that changing to DX11 is as simple as changing the version number and pressing the 'make everything look better' button. It isn't. To take true advantage of the upgrade you need to write a whole bunch of code, this takes time, and takes far longer then the mere 2+ weeks they've had so far.

Why wasn't DX11 on release you ask. Because from a financial and time management sense, it isn't worth it. Not because PC gaming isn't worth it, but because the amount of people that can even open a DX11 game is 5.6% of you. That's it. Most of the people complaining think that somehow adding DX11 support will change their DX9/10 cards and make the game look better and are jumping on the bandwagon of stupid. Newsflash: For most people DX11 will do nothing, and in the short term, working on it is a waste of time (Sandbox 3, SDK and bug fixes are FAAAAR more important and will effect 100% of the playerbase).
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Post » Tue May 03, 2011 2:38 am

Reading the dumb threads on this forum makes me sad.

Then get off the forums and go enjoy your most favoritest game ever.
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Post » Tue May 03, 2011 5:09 am

One would think that there being a pc team for the game they'd make it dx11 from the start... they shouldn't need to change anything. I personaly don't even care bout dx11. I just can't stand how much of a console port this is.
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Post » Mon May 02, 2011 9:45 pm

Wow, look at all the kiddies on here using grown up words like "sue". You cannot sue someone for working hard on an excellent product, just because it does not meet your expectations. First of all, when you click the agreement to install the game, you give up any right you may imagine you had to do so in the first place.

People whingeing about this game need to try playing it, its actually really good. While I would love to see more special effects that make use of my 250W heater (woops I mean GTX580) the DX9 graphics are pretty impressive for what they are. Calling conspiracy when a company needs to manage resources to get a game out on deadline is pretty pathetic. Why don't you divert your attention to something that actually matters such as politics or science?
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Post » Mon May 02, 2011 8:33 pm


Cevat Yerli stating the following. “A supersoldier that needs to save NYC from an alien invasion needs the best tech possible. That’s not only his Nanosuit, but also stunning DX11 geometric realism that a GPU like the GeForce GTX 580 can offer for our PC gamers.”

CRY ADAM/TOM what's the "official response" to this?

your post just backs up some of the other things that news has said

such as this post


and also this one


the second post says that dx11 version of crysis 2 was started in novemeber

one thing thou did you post this in crymod first, because that sight has been down the whole day

oh and one last thing

good find!!!!

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Post » Mon May 02, 2011 4:44 pm

Well Bainshie hit the nail right on the head. That's precisely what the situation is and those who don't see it that way either don't want (willing ignorance) or simply don't get it (stupidity). I mean I only have a Dx10 card (GTX280) and most others would see no benefit at all. I don't mind not having Dx10 though really, I actually like the fact that this game runs better than the first one. Don't get me wrong, at first I was a bit bummed but really? Have these people actually played through the game yet? I get the impression so many are 'waiting' to play it because it doesn't have dx11 so they're missing out and don't realize how little it does not matter.

Hell AVP had dx11 and that did what for the game exactly? It's still a pile of crap and I own that game on steam too.

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