» Mon May 02, 2011 11:01 pm
My god so many stupid people on these forums.
There is no hidden secret. Crytek said that Crysis 2 and the engine will support DX11 eventually in a later patch, that's basically confirmed (+ the fact that the leaked beta had work in progress DX11 stuff in it). They've never stated that they never mentioned anything about DX11, just that there is no real official statement (Aside from the coming in a patch thing) so all the BS that surrounds stupid people mentioning it is mostly speculation.
People seem to think that changing to DX11 is as simple as changing the version number and pressing the 'make everything look better' button. It isn't. To take true advantage of the upgrade you need to write a whole bunch of code, this takes time, and takes far longer then the mere 2+ weeks they've had so far.
Why wasn't DX11 on release you ask. Because from a financial and time management sense, it isn't worth it. Not because PC gaming isn't worth it, but because the amount of people that can even open a DX11 game is 5.6% of you. That's it. Most of the people complaining think that somehow adding DX11 support will change their DX9/10 cards and make the game look better and are jumping on the bandwagon of stupid. Newsflash: For most people DX11 will do nothing, and in the short term, working on it is a waste of time (Sandbox 3, SDK and bug fixes are FAAAAR more important and will effect 100% of the playerbase).