Best comparison i've seen man, good work on it JustNameless

I agree with you on that so many people have been unjustly comparing C1 and C2, biased over C2 by showing the worst of it and sometimes even comparing it with Crysis 1 graphic mods, just silly eh -_-. They are both spectacular games in their own. I strongly agree with what Flames21891 posted too.
I'm beginning to tire of all the "Crysis 1 has better graphics because the texture resolution and polygon count is higher" argument.
Does anyone remember when Normal Mapping came out? I think that was one of the staples of FEAR back in the day. It allowed for detailed objects using less polygons. The result? Something could be rendered with less polygons and still look great, which helped performance IMMENSELY.
Maybe Crytek stepped back and thought "Hmmm, instead of using the brutal method of making everyone's PC render insanely high-res textures and piling on a ridiculous polygon count, maybe we can scale it back and use a few tricks that will only have a MINOR effect on the graphical quality as a whole, but ensure Crysis 2 runs beautifully on a wider range of systems."
And, even with that scaling back, the game still looks pretty damn good. Show me a game that is currently out (minus C1) that significantly tops C2 graphically.
You want to know where most of this hate is honestly coming from? Expectations. People expected another game that won't be playable on mainstream systems until years later just so they can justify their quad SLI setup. Because of this, they aren't taking things at face value. Maybe Crytek wasn't going for bleeding edge tech, but pushing the limits of scalability. That's an impressive feat in and of itself.
All in all, I'm tired of people saying this game looks bad. Compare it to a plethora of other PC titles and you'll quickly see that they only took a baby step back from C1 for the sake of scalability. That also means, if C1 is clearly still the best looking game to date, and C2 isn't far off, doesn't that mean that C2 is still graphically superior to everything but its big brother?
That's all so true. There is no current game that looks better than C2 (other than C1), a lot of the people complaining just had expectations of it being an un-optimised high poly, high res textured game. That's not all what makes a game look good. Crytek still made it look fantastic with the techniques they applied to make it optimised. The lighting in particular is the most realistic ever done in a game it looks as good as any CG movie out there, but in real time :O! Crytek amaze me.