» Mon Apr 04, 2011 8:26 pm
Destructible is a draw, because there are for example more stone and concrete things you can break in Crysis 2. For Example the Central station Level, or Terminal. After about 2 minutes the pinger destroyed almost everything. Of course, C1 has more trees, wooden houses, other things out of woods, wooden people to be breakable, but that's it! But it surely scores with the amount of destructibles.
About the water, it looks nicer in Crysis 1, but is more dynamic in Crysis 2. That's what I wrote.
Lightning... Look, when we see the foliage reacting to the lightning in C1, and then in C2, the lightning in C2 surely looks better. Then Crysis 2 has lense flares and other nice lightning effects wich just looks good. The only thing are the sunshafts. There has C1 a better quality.
Oh, and btw. Crysis 2 has a goddamn day/night circle. Not a full, but Crysis 1 hadn't one either! First Level (both games) you start in the early morning. You go a bit, enter an area (in C1, where the trees are on that small hill, and in C2, when you entered the decon area, and opened the gate) it is around midday. In the second chapter of C2, there is one time of day change either.
I was never to show off that Crysis 2 looks better (hell no, just read and understand me!), but to show, that Crysis 2 doesn't only has "dumped down" graphics.
But anyways.. if you add any grfxmods to Crysis 1.. Crysis 2 looses big time.. and according to all the time between the two games Crysis 1 is still better in a few technical aspects. So point goes for a 4 year old game holding up to a 2011 released game.
Yes, and if we could mod C2, it would be looking better then any high quality mod from C1, but appearently we can't. We have to wait 'til sommer.