Anyway, that was probably the first 'violent' game I played. It put me on a path of violence, drugs and alcohol. I dropped out of school and burned my apartment to the ground. I'm also likely to start a school shooting and I will probably die and go to hell soon.
oh wait, that's what they want you to think. Truth is I don't do drugs and I rarely drink. My IQ is high enough to apply for MENSA and my grades are top notch. I dislike unnecessary violence and I'm generally against guns.
Of course Jack Thompson would probably tell you that I'm delusional and trying to cover up my messed up life.

Violent games shouldn't be sold to minors, but not for the reasons most people use. Violent games have no real effect on a healthy individual, but they could accelerate the violent urges of a mentally unstable person. Those cases are rare though.