... the rest of the world has these laws in place it's still profitable to sell games outside the US. It's basically saying that it's not worth selling alcohol because you might get fined for selling it to minors.
Local shops near me stock pormography as well as alcohol and cigarettes and the law is pretty clear on those things too. Where video game ratings are regulated in the UK they are covered by the BBFC. I'm not aware the the ESRB is legally binding in any way. That's more a suggestion that parents ignore, because when holding a 'game' they see only a 'game' and how bad can a 'game' be? lol The way the proposal was worded for the regulation in the States though, I got the impression that it made for a skewed rating system, essentially restricting the developers because it's uncertain what is what. Killing a monster as bad as killing a photo-realistic baby in a whole wheat bread sandwich? Well, is it? If the United States used its Motion Picture rating system I wouldn't see a problem with it.
But what the people coming up with this stuff tend to do is put video games in an entirely different category because of the interactive element. That players aren't passively watching but are actively engaged in the violence or six or whatever. lol In doing they barf up a bunch of pseudo studies and defecate on reason at the same time, because they invariably know so little about what they're talking about. I'm pretty sure I read a line in that article that said "... r a p i n g young girls..." in reference to video games? lol Pulled that directly out of his ring piece. What a twodge! (Incidentally if anyone can direct me at the game he's talking about... ahem... lol) But anyway, these people seem to think playing classic Doom is worse than watching Hostel Part II. Watching girls being cut to smitherings and tortured? Hey, its passive.
The spotlight should be on the parents. That some parents can watch a movie rated 18, or R, whatever, like Hostel, and understand that it was a bit heavy for their kids, is great. Why are some advlts seemingly incapable of seeing video games in the same way? They seriously need to pull their heads from out of their butts and wake up, and look at what their kids have access to. These are the same parents giving lil skidlets (kids) iPhones with full and unlimited internet access, with no parental locks, and media storage up the ass for all the porm downloads they could ever dream of searching for. Personally I think governments and politicians, video game publishers, and of course the spin spin media always jumping on hype stories instead of delivering the facts about the video game industry, and the content of video games - that these all need to work together to dispel the stinky, heavy fart-like stigma attached to video games. Shine a light on modern tech and make parents aware of the facts.
If Parent A is watching her favourite show on prime time TV and a commercial comes on, 50's style with a slick dude grinning from ear to ear, in a dark suit looking like a Man in Black *FLASH* - explaining that video games rated R are for advlts and not for children, that they have content similar to R rated movies, "Do you know what your son or daughter is playing?" She might blink away from her spazbox lights (TV) that have had her enthralled for the majority of her advlt life, away from her glittery sitcom for two minutes to open her sons bedroom door to the sound of, "Marcus GET DOWN! Holy [censored] EVERYBODY DOWN. *Ratatatat! BOOM!* It's the [censored] and they're coming right [censored] for us! How the [censored] did they [censored] know we were heading this [censored] way?" She might know enough to check her ignorance-o-meter and realise her's has been flashing red for the past five years of her son's life from being aged ten to fifteen. lol
All this supreme court hype that makes its way into the papers obviously isn't get the attention of the people that matter, and its directing attention away from outright, pants parenting. Ignorance is no excuse. For every complaint against video games, you see a barrel full of ignorance. The complaints are never backed up by cold hard facts. lol Year after year of the same old tripe, with the same old spin. Bad parents are being born everyday. So I guess its an inevitable cycle. I suppose in a few years all the gamers growing up on games will be having kids, and will be in positions of power and politics, and we can step out from under the cloud of total d ouche-ness when it comes to reacting to changing technology, and to technology we're scared of trying. Get away from this mindset that gaming technology and software is considered 'for kids' right across the board, and the next it's ruining children with its advlt themes. Take your pick current old generation types! advlts are playing video games, so you can now remove the stigma attached to it and do away with the mindset that it's 'for kids'. You can't have it both ways! Heh ha.
Anyway the new generations should cull the older generations. Like me. I guess. *stop changing and consolifying my RPGs you young ruffians! In my day... things were better, menu-driven, and there was more glorious text! And get off my damn lawn*