I'm really excited to start playing. Everyone's got such interesting characters

I'm especially excited about the brothers, for other than reminding me of Cain and Abel from the Bible, obviously, they kind of remind me of Sam and Dean from Supernatural.
Supernatural FTW!!!!!!!
Character Sheet
Name: Maric
Race: Imperial
Gender: Male
Age: 24
Physical Description: Muscular, 6'1", green eyes and brown hair
Class/Profession: Warrior
Skills: Blade, Block, Blunt, Hand-to-Hand, Heavy Armor, Light Armor
Weapons/Magic: Ebony Longsword (family heirloom), Steel Shield
Armor/Clothes: Steel armor, except for the helmet.
Personality: Loves fooling around, jokes all the time, and he's usually nice.
Biography/History: Raised in Chorrol, Maric lived a pretty normal life. For a while, he helped his father in their Smithy, but he soon joined the Fighter's Guild. Ever since he was 15, he has been training every day to become the best he can be. When he turned 18, his father made him his own steel armor, and it's been with him ever since. At 22, his father died, and left him his Smithy in the deed. For two years, he's been training less and focusing more on keeping money coming in. But then he saw a poster...
Misc. Info: I also keep a healing potion in my necklace.