I've had the luxury of being able to play Skyrim pretty much all day for the last few days on account of having my wisdom teeth taken out (I suppose that's the upside to getting them out only a week before Thanksgiving) and thus have had ample opportunity to experience, get frustrated by, and think of solutions for a number of weak points in Skyrim's combat system, and just wanted to run these past the rest of the ES forums to see what others thought.
While there are a number of things I could talk about in the OP, I decided to just focus on this one, as it's been the cause of the greatest deal of frustration for me.
I elaborated a great deal in this, so bear with me.
The situation:
I was fighting a dragon with my sword and shield warrior, I had run out of health potions and the two of us were both low on health. I could block his standard melee attack and recieve minimal damage (<10), and proceed to bash him and allow an opening long enough for me to strike him 4 times and have my shield up with more than enough time to block his next attack, ready to repeat the process. This worked fine until one time I had only just finished my third attack when suddenly my character froze, the camera went to third person, and I watched the dragon bite down on my face and kill me with a cinematic finisher. I had a good third of my health left, which would have been more than enough to survive multiple blocked attacks from him.
Oh well, whatever, I reloaded and tried again. Same thing happened. I was able to squeeze in 4 attacks and block his next attack every time without fail up until he reduced me down to that same health number, and just like last time, after my third attack my character is frozen in third person and I get eaten.
I had no more potions, no terrain to hide behind and heal, no means of escape, and no other alternatives. I eventually had to lower the difficulty to finish him off all because of the stupid cinematic finishing move.
The problem:
Cinematic finishers, from what I've been able to obtain, are activated when the game runs a check to see if the attack that the player or NPC is going to make will reduce their target to 0 health and it turns up positive. So if a dragon were to do 100 damage (after taking damage migitation into account) and the player had 100 health or less, a cinematic finisher is activated.
This check is made at the very instant the attack is begun, rather than at the point the attack makes contact. There's a good second or more inbetween when the dragon begins rearing his head back at the beginning of his attack animation and when he lunges foreward and snaps at the player.
The problem with this is that there are any number of things that could occur between the time the attack animation is begun and the time the attack makes contact with the player. They could raise their shield to block the attack or shield bash, they could be already halfway through an attack of their own that would stagger or even kill the target, they could pause the game and drink health potions if they had them, they could cast a ward, heal, or even run behind cover or out of range.
But none of that can happen because the player has no control over the cinematic deaths other than to have more health than what is required for the enemy to initiate one at all times, and on harder difficulties or with characters who don't have high health and armor, that threshold could even be the entirety of their health bar. Since tt freezes your character, puts you and the enemy in a fixed animation, and you can do nothing but sit there and watch as they do terrible, terrible things to your helpless character's body, these cinematic deaths usually feel more like an immature Dungeon Master in D&D saying "Haha, you're dead! I beat you!" rather than a cool death animation that takes the sting off of dying a bit, which I was under the impression of why they were allowed against the player in the first place.
The solution:
This is incredibly simple and honestly I'm surprised that this wasn't the way that it was done the first time around. Simply have the check for the cinematic death occur after the character has been officially reduced to 0 health. Normally, when you die without a cinematic death, you enter third person and watch as your character's ragdoll falls to the ground. In the event that a cinematic death should occur, simply trigger the cinematic death rather than standard ragdoll physics for your character's corpse.
I'm also all for an option to toggle them on and off, as many players have said they're sick of them, and I'm perfectly ok with that, too, but I'd like to be able to experience the cinematic deaths without having to deal with the frustrating aspects of them, and what I proposed would be a very solid solution to that I think.
Eager to hear everyone else's thoughts on the matter.