steam is really annoying when games you buy on a disc are required to be activated through steam and the fact you have to be online to be able to start up any steam games
Steam is not the Ubisoft Launcher. You only have to be online
once to activate a game and can use Steam in Offline Mode then.
Also, afaik:
Steam = The Store/Community/Game-Platform
Steamworks = The Development-Platform
(But I'm not sure if that is correct.)
Imho, Steam is quite some useful tool. If you plan on selling one of your games at a later stage, simply create an account soley for that one. That's how I'd do it.
The Community-Feature of Steam is really great, if the Developers actually make use of it.
Right-click on a friend to join his game-session? I definately support that service. And even more if it works with all my multiplayer-games on Steam.