A Province Divided OOC and Sign-Up Thread VII

Post » Thu Jun 14, 2012 11:16 am

Do you want me to go as in depth in my description Yes Man?
When you describe your march yes...
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Phillip Hamilton
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Post » Thu Jun 14, 2012 3:19 am

Name: Demon Hunter's
Goverment: The emperor Ulric Titan and the council of nine [ ten including the emperor ]

Millitary: The Demon Hunter's are an elite force of 500 they are split into 12 groups
The Wolf Guard a shock troop of 25 elite were wolf's, pledged allegiance to Ulric after he drank the beast blood
Dawn Slayer's Ulric's personal assassin's they tend to only attack at night but will face the sun if asked they joined when Ulric became a vampire lord there are 25 blood svcker's

His imperial allies are split into 10 mages 20 wariors and 15 archers they served his farther now they serve him

Ulric's elf friends were harder for him to obtain for his 25 bosmer archer's he had to slay a beast and make the captain of the unit armour out of it's pelt
for the altmer he had to cut his ear's to make him look like an elf but it was worth the 25 altmer mage's
Ulric ill finish it off tomorrow
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Nicole Kraus
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Post » Thu Jun 14, 2012 9:47 am

Name: Demon Hunter's
Government: the order Demon Hunter is ruled by Emperor Ulric Titan ( me warrior-preist ) and the council of nine
Name: Ulric Titan
Gender: Male
Race: Dark Elf

Height: 6ft 8 inches
Age: 250 appears 25
Moral Alignment: Neutral

Appearance: Ulric's skin is pale white were as his mohawk and goete is jet black. Ulric's eyes are even whiter then his skin he appears blind but he has perfect sight the council of nine and there subject's believe he is blessed by Talos because he lead's there army to victory after victory also he conquered and united all the tribe's in a large area and his next quest all of the past empire whether diplomatically or in the heat of battle.
Personalty: He is calm and intelligent strong willed but he never underestimate's his enemy as he says "Victory goes to the leader who makes the next to last mistake''

Class: Demon Hunter He trained as a Vigalante of Stendar but they let many Evil deadra worshiper's,Vampire's and Were wolves escape so he made his own order known as the Demon Hunter's the rank's included mages,warriors,theives,good deadra worshiper's,vampires and were wolves they used restoration and destruction magic for melee they used one handed axes and shield's for range two hand repeater crossbows they used a small drum's of arrow's for easy reload it was of dwemer design stolen and recreated by Ulric and his group of engineer's.

Non combat skills: he is a decant Blacksmith and enchanter

Melee: Ulric is a master of the axe and shield combo and a great strategist He trained with the companions in skyrim when he was fifty till he was one hundred
Magic: Ulric is considered one of the best mages in his army because he studied both destruction and restoration for fifty years in the mages guild in high rock, strait after his time in the companion's

Stealth: Ulric trains the assassin's in his army because he was a part of the thieves guild in cryordell he was a thieve for 25 years then returned to morrowind and became a member of the dark brother hood for 25 year's (this was after returning from the mage guild)
Clothing/Armour: In battle he were's a an iron helmet with horns iron gauntlet's iron boots and studded armor (the traditional armor of the Demon Hunter's ) but he wears a black cape with the imperial dragon symbol in white out of combat he wears his nightingale armor with a crown .

Bio: Ulric's parent's saw each other in secret because Tally's [ Ulric's mother a high elf] parents forbid her from seeing Skull [ Ulric's farther a dark elf ] after 2 years of seeing each other Ulric was born but Ulric's farther was fighting in a war and his mother was all alone so she died in child birth later that day Ulric's father was killed by an orc berserker so Tally's mother [ a thalmor] took Ulric to a forest and left him to die because she saw him as an abomination after 2hours a were wolf breton called George found Ulric and took him in and trained him how fight, how to master the arcane art's and most importantly how to hunt. When Ulric was 15 he left George than went on countless adventure's spanning from high rock to black marsh until he was 25 then he joined the vigilante of Stendar but left them because they let to many evil creature's escape and they killed good were wolves vampires and deadra so he left and planed to make an order of mages warriors and thieves good deadra were wolves and vampire's he made the order and was guild master for 25 years but he thought his skill's weren't good enough so he trained with the companion's for 50 years then the mage guild in high rock for 50 more years then went to cyrodell and joined the thieves guild for 25 years and then went back to his home in morrowind and joined the dark brotherhood doing contracts for another 25 year's then he traveled too high hothgar and trained in the way of the voice for 25 years barely grasping a few shouts(storm call ice form and fire breath). When Ulric returned his small guild had reached the number of 100 then he trained his forces showing technique he had learnt now he ready's his army for war.

Military: Ulric's army is 100 strong all of them professionally trained to bring retribution to evil people 20 are lycan's 20 more are vampires 10 are deadra and 50 are mer men and beast races but all are Demon Hunters that includes Ulric and the council of nine
Brief Background: The Demon Hunters are a group of people who kill evil people and there emperor was voted for as was the council of nine and will be re voted every 10 years and they hope to make cyrodell a better place.

the reason Ulric has this extensive training is because his army is so small and would be crushed without him leading it.
my page didn't show your post before i posted so should i keep this or make a character in someones faction?

This is set in the second Era, Talos doesn't really exist yet, except in the mind of my (potentially insane) character, Flavius Latartus.
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Samantha Jane Adams
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Post » Thu Jun 14, 2012 1:07 pm

ok forgot about that one minute let me change that and i know the vigalante of stendar haven't been made yet i couldn't think of an alternative
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Vickey Martinez
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Post » Thu Jun 14, 2012 10:42 am

This is set in the second Era, Talos doesn't really exist yet, except in the mind of my (potentially insane) character, Flavius Latartus.
didn't we also make an agreement that the Thalmor didn't exist as well... or am I mistaken...?
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Katie Samuel
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Post » Thu Jun 14, 2012 12:21 pm

didn't we also make an agreement that the Thalmor didn't exist as well... or am I mistaken...?

I think so, it's a bit too early for them to be forming...

There might be evil High Elves, but no Aldmeri Dominion.

High Elves have always been pricks though.
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Amanda Furtado
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Post » Thu Jun 14, 2012 9:55 am

I think so, it's a bit too early for them to be forming...

There might be evil High Elves, but no Aldmeri Dominion.

High Elves have always been pricks though.
So no Dominion... Warrior-Priest you may wish to edit your CS to reflect this...
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Phoenix Draven
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Post » Thu Jun 14, 2012 12:00 am

ok will do
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Post » Thu Jun 14, 2012 1:31 pm

ok will do
Talos also does not exist yet, so remove the mentioning of him for that reason... it's in appearance...
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CArla HOlbert
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Post » Thu Jun 14, 2012 1:17 am

Talos also does not exist yet, so remove the mentioning of him for that reason... it's in appearance...
Don't also forget that the Vigilance of Stendar was not around until the Oblivion Crises ended, which would be at the start of the Fourth Era.
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Lillian Cawfield
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Post » Thu Jun 14, 2012 12:15 am

Gaius try not to hurt my pro-altmer feelings, anyway might post tomorrow but I am rather busy on the fallout artwork and fan-fiction forum so yeah that's about it.
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Steve Fallon
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Post » Thu Jun 14, 2012 10:06 am

i removed talos and replaced it with akatosh and i car't think of a sutible replacement for viglante's of stendar any ideas
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Post » Wed Jun 13, 2012 11:48 pm

i removed talos and replaced it with akatosh and i car't think of a sutible replacement for viglante's of stendar any ideas
Create your own Knightly order, there's enough Daedra haters out there.
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Lily Something
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Post » Thu Jun 14, 2012 9:46 am

i removed talos and replaced it with akatosh and i car't think of a sutible replacement for viglante's of stendar any ideas


Emperor Ulric Titan

A dark elf emperor, that's surefire way to alienate almost every human in the Imperial province. Elected title or not, The Reman Empire isn't going to take kindly to a foreigner parading around with the title emperor (We already have one elf pretender), and you might want to increase your numbers. 100 elite fighters will still die pretty quick against the armies the rest of us have. I don't really have any say in this though, its just advice.
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Queen Bitch
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Post » Wed Jun 13, 2012 9:53 pm

Knights of the Nine?

Were they made yet?

Edit: Oooh, Athell, a challenge! Let my scouts match wits with your commander!

If I may make a suggestion to help the conflict going on in Cheydinhal right now, as it seems there is a little conflict of RPing. Note that these are just suggestions, but I've always RP'd this way in previous RPs and they've seemed to work out well.
1. Get permission before taking control of someone else's character. For example, Yes Man saying that the Dark Brotherhood assassins dropped their blades...if they are forces under Stealthy then only Stealthy should be able to make that decision (unless this was all pre-concieved through PM or something)
2. Never "hurt" anyone. Meaning, don't say "I sliced his arm", say that "I brought my sword down upon his arm, hoping to render his sword-arm useless". This way there is no character control.
3. Get permission before killing someone's character.
4. Honor system: Fiore is doing a great job of it. Five bolts to her legs took her completely out. That's completely realistic. A sword to the stomach and Yes Man's guy is still walking around? Not likely. Magic can help with the pain but that kind of damage should take Expert-level Restoration to heal. Also, having your throat slit (at this point you'll be in shock and you can't draw breath), you can't make advanced movements like throwing (let alone aim) So, all I'm trying to say is, be realistic. Allow your characters to die if they have to, but don't force it upon someone else's character. Remember the Golden Rule. Don't try and worry about your faction winning, RPing is to create a realistic and fun experience for the reader.
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Michelle Chau
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Post » Thu Jun 14, 2012 4:33 am

Knights of the Nine?

Were they made yet?

Edit: Oooh, Athell, a challenge! Let my scouts match wits with your commander!
Erm, I don't think they were. They were an early third era thing weren't they?

Bring it, he's meant to be a fairly wiley old guy.
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Post » Thu Jun 14, 2012 5:58 am

Erm, I don't think they were. They were an early third era thing weren't they?

Bring it, he's meant to be a fairly wiley old guy.

I have a feeling that my scouts are going to get scared and scatter some time in the future haha.
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Adam Kriner
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Post » Thu Jun 14, 2012 2:02 am

Knights of the Nine?

Were they made yet?

Edit: Oooh, Athell, a challenge! Let my scouts match wits with your commander!

If I may make a suggestion to help the conflict going on in Cheydinhal right now, as it seems there is a little conflict of RPing. Note that these are just suggestions, but I've always RP'd this way in previous RPs and they've seemed to work out well.
1. Get permission before taking control of someone else's character. For example, Yes Man saying that the Dark Brotherhood assassins dropped their blades...if they are forces under Stealthy then only Stealthy should be able to make that decision (unless this was all pre-concieved through PM or something)
2. Never "hurt" anyone. Meaning, don't say "I sliced his arm", say that "I brought my sword down upon his arm, hoping to render his sword-arm useless". This way there is no character control.
3. Get permission before killing someone's character.
4. Honor system: Fiore is doing a great job of it. Five bolts to her legs took her completely out. That's completely realistic. A sword to the stomach and Yes Man's guy is still walking around? Not likely. Magic can help with the pain but that kind of damage should take Expert-level Restoration to heal. Also, having your throat slit (at this point you'll be in shock and you can't draw breath), you can't make advanced movements like throwing (let alone aim) So, all I'm trying to say is, be realistic. Allow your characters to die if they have to, but don't force it upon someone else's character. Remember the Golden Rule. Don't try and worry about your faction winning, RPing is to create a realistic and fun experience for the reader.

That's why the Empire is weak and dying.

I plan on having this period be sort of like Byzantium's brief golden age, the Empire's final glory days.

I also plan on Flavius being a character who is not an epic warrior, and is only at the front to help with morale.
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Post » Thu Jun 14, 2012 10:32 am

Character Addenum: Vex Bincal

Well, honestly, I expected Vex to perish this way. From the very moment I created her for this RP, she was bound to tick off a much more powerful foe and suffer the consequence of her actions. I even made mention of this particular trait on her Char Sheet:

With an appreciation for brutality and a boiling ambition, Bincal is a powder keg for the Cheydinhal region. Perhaps overconfident of her position, she's likely to press issues too hard and overstep her authority.

So her fate was written on the wall from the very beginning. What I didn't know was how soon her fate would come. And that's something you can never know when you embark on an RP. Of course, there are ways I could have delayed her inevitable demise to continue her story, but I always felt being honest and true with my characters was more important than forcing them to serve the story. If anything, the story should serve the characters. And so this is true with Bincal. Despite the consequences I foresaw for her actions, there was little I could have done to stop her from stabbing Cassamir's right-hand man. Because if she didn't do it, and do it right then, she wouldn't have been Vex Bincal, would she?

In any case, I enjoyed playing out her story throughout the entirety of her stay in the RP. But as with any character, there were a few mysteries surrounding her that were never answered in the RP proper. So, below, I have endeavored to answer some of these lingering loose ends.

What exactly happened to Maximus?
Maximus was killed in a lightning strike while drilling his troops outside during a thunderstorm. However, Vex's duplicity was well known throughout Cheydinhal County, so the rumors of Vex murdering him for her own personal gain were widely spread and believed by many, including the Count Motierre himself.

Why the fixation on Cheydinhal?
Vex Bincal had started life very poor, and it was a matter of her aggressive nature to claw desperately up the social ladder and fight viciously to hold onto any ground she had gained to escape poverty. Her focus on becoming Countess was hence primarily driven by her desire for more wealth, power, and influence. Why Cheydinhal specifically, though? Well, it was hardly a coincidence that it was close by. Vex's pursuit of that city in particular was driven by a tale that she had once heard from Maximus; that his ancestors had once been the ruling family in Cheydinhal before they were disgraced and lost their county seat. Maximus told Vex that his family had then dedicated themselves to serving in the legions, hoping one day to restore family honor to their name and regain their seat as the ruling family of Cheydinhal. Untrue, the story was a parable invented by Maximus to teach Vex about honor, although this original intent was lost on her, and she bitterly strove after his death to restore his family's honor by capturing the city in his name.

Why is Malk always silent?
Malk was one of two bodyguards (and a maid) who were arrayed to be executed after they failed to notice an assassin sneak his way past and into Vex's bedchambers. The bodyguards had been chatting it up with the maid at the time of the infiltration. In order to spare his position, and his life, Malk slit his own throat with a dagger, severing his vocal chords forever, so that he would never suffer the distraction of talking while on duty again. Vex Bincal was very impressed by this and decided to spare his life and keep him on as a bodyguard.

Where is the Amulet of Kings?
In a battle near Fort Urasek, during the fall of the empire, Maximus' century was caught in an ambush and suffered heavy casualties. Vex Bincal, the century's primary healer, worked tirelessly to heal soldiers who had fallen. So fixated on this purpose, she was oblivious to her own personal injuries, including a dreadful cut to her left briast. Left unattended, it became infected and had to be amputated following the battle. For a time, ashamed of her injury, she used a shaped wooden piece as a replacement. Quite some time later, when she acquired the Amulet from a Camonna Tong dealer, she replaced this piece with the Amulet of Kings, wrapped in silk and kept close via her chest wrap. A powerful piece of illusion magic disguises it, and a knowledgeable mage should be able to detect it with little problem.

Who did Vex Bincal really support?
In short, herself. In a broader sense, Flavius Latartus, whom she thought could properly use the Amulet of Kings to bring back the Empire. While in one sense she supported the return to stability because it would cement her position as Countess, she was primarily driven to help the Empire out of some lingering sense of duty to Maximus, whom she loved. When Cassamir attempted to kidnap them, and they were later rescued by Motierre, Vex was infuriated, not primarily because she was kidnapped, but because she felt Cassamir had humiliated her in front of her worst enemy, Andre Motierre.

When Cassamir's diplomat approached with overtures of peace, she saw this as an excellent opportunity to play double-agent, and was immediately receptive to the ambassador. She had hoped that, though the proposed surrender of Cheydinhal, that she could get Cassamir to leave Cheydinhal untouched. Later, when she discovered that Flavius' army approached, she hoped to deceive Cassamir by following his forces from Cheydinhal under the pretense of an alliance and, once he was engaged in battle against Flavius, she could suddenly become turncoat and have her troops slam into the rear of his battle lines. However, Vex found herself repeatedly offended by Cassamir's ambassador; so when Fadrill ended up breaking into her war room, she was infuriated enough to attempt to kill him, even if that had a high probability of ruining her previous plans.
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Dawn Farrell
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Post » Thu Jun 14, 2012 12:08 am


Very nice post Fiore! An excellent end. I always say that the loser of a fight is the better RPer. Bravo.
That jailer must have one hell of a stomach to mess with her wounds and then get back to his meal haha.
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James Hate
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Post » Thu Jun 14, 2012 1:38 pm

Vex Bincal, by Grabthar's hammer, by the suns of Warvan,, you shall be avenged!
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Post » Thu Jun 14, 2012 6:10 am

Good ending Fiore. (Though that [censored] deserved to die. She tried to humiliate Aventius a while back.) So you're going to make a new character or are you leaving? Also, I was acutally myself planning on having Aventius die in a battle but I'm not sure to do it.
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Reanan-Marie Olsen
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Post » Thu Jun 14, 2012 6:27 am

Cassamir will pay for this.

There was some chemistry there. It might be an interesting angle to go with Flavius there...
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Post » Thu Jun 14, 2012 1:08 pm

That is simply the best post I have ever read...
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Nicole Kraus
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Post » Thu Jun 14, 2012 12:01 am

That is simply the best post I have ever read...

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