Oh, and one more thing...regarding Bincal's remaining troops. Like I said, about half are mercenaries, so if you pay 'em they'll probably fight for you. The others are more loyalty-bound legionaires. They'll likely follow a Colovian veteran within their ranks named
Ormellius, Bincal's primary drill instructor and second-in-command at Fort Scinia and currently with the troops in Cheydinhal. He's a simple military man. Good at fighting, good at drilling, and popular with the troops. He just lacks vision or ambition. He's just a man who follows orders. Bincal would call him "usefully stupid."
There's also another Imperial, a Nibenean (like Bincal) named
Crito Miko, who typically served as the garrison commander at Fort Naso but currently resides in Scinia to oversee it while Bincal is gone. He's a nervous sort of person, and he doesn't have much military know-how, but he's ambitious and will likely try and seize Bincal's traditional power once he knows she's dead. The garrisons at Scinia and Naso are quite small at the moment, however, so he should prove to be easy to overwhelm if he proves stubborn. He was quite terrified of Bincal. Has nightmares about her actually. So, use that as you will.

Both the mercenaries and legion troops will likely return to Scina and Naso unless they can otherwise be compelled to stay in Cheydinhal.
Both the above leaders are to be treated as NPCs, unless someone wants to pick them up as characters and take over Bincal's old faction now that I'm gone. Don't know if you'll end up using them, but they're there if you need someone representing my faction. And if someone wants to replace them with their own character(s), they're quite welcome to.Jod (the FG Nord) is present in Cheydinhal but was just a personal guard and friend to Bincal, but has no real influence in the faction.
Evilu, the dark elf servant girl mentioned at the beginning of thread 2, is also in Cheydinhal, and is (was) Bincal's most trusted associate and would have probably eventually become her hand-chosen successor. She's still a young mer, though, and doesn't hold any sort of power. She does know where the Amulet of Kings is hidden, though she wouldn't know it by that name. She'd also be pretty upset to know Bincal has passed, as terrified of Bincal though she was.
Flavius liked her, I'm not sure if it was platonic or not, but he certainly have some feelings towards her.
I think Flavius has just got some Stockholm syndrome there.