» Fri May 04, 2012 12:00 pm
Vex Bincal, House of Bincal, Elder Council Chambers; Engaging: Aventius Umbranox, all
"So you have nothing against them?" the lord of Anvil replied, "You must be that forgiving to not nothing against them when just very recently they tried to kill you, as well as everyone in this room. You may still consider them friends today, but what about tomorrow? Sure. Go ahead and pretend that if you don't start anything against them, and they'll leave you alone. But what happened today opened my eyes.."
Vex Bincal's eyes narrowed. Anvil was trying to undermine her position by depicting her as stubborn and obtusely naive, an impression that she could not let linger in the minds of her rivals. For a few moments, the Council Chambers were full of pvssyr before everyone was silenced by the Colovian (whom the Lord of Anvil called "Julius"), who then reaffirmed the need to stamp out the snake-men across Cyrodiil.
The Lord of Anvil then proposed an election committee made up of the strongest factions of the council, whose job it would be to elect the next emperor. Bincal scowled at this proposal, as it would leave her, as well as the other warlords around Cheydinhal with no voice at all in the election proceedings.
"If I may have the floor...." she began, standing from her seat and looking at the King of Anvil with her best poker face "To answer your original question, my lord, I'm not sure what you mean." Bincal gestured to the dead Akaviri lying strewn about in the entryway to the Chambers. "Thanks to King Bruma's most excellent guards, the Akaviri who tried to kill us are all dead." She then turned to face the rest of the council. "And last time I checked, the Akaviri are not all of one mind. Just as the members of this council are divided, so are they."
Bincal then rounded on the King of Anvil. It was time to go on the offensive.
"Here, ladies and gentlemen," she said, pointing to the King of Anvil, "is a man who would have you commit your forces, at great risk to yourselves, to exterminate the Akaviri across our provinces, and then turn around and refuse to give you a voice in Cyrodiil's future! What kind of jest is that? You support him with troops, and he takes away your sovereignty!" Bincal's gray eyes wandered back to Anvil, whose gaze she met. "I am sorry, my lord, that is not how diplomacy works around here." Sitting down, she added "I give up the floor," and waited.