Provinces of Tamriel

Post » Tue May 14, 2013 12:45 am

Pet? Numidium was a divine construction that could alter dimensions.

The Argonians did not conquer Morrowind, but they still invaded it.

As for the Yokudans, it's said they had to conquer it from the native men and mer after the disappearance of the Dwemer.
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Dona BlackHeart
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Post » Tue May 14, 2013 6:56 am

Ok first off ....

I just took 3 h reading every akivir thing there is to be read.... my head is [censored]in loaded

indeed you guys are right. Hammerfell was already inhabited, Skyrim did get conquered

oh and the argonians...? Epic fail trying to conquer Morrowind.

any questions?
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Post » Tue May 14, 2013 1:41 am

I know what the Numidium is. Pet was more of a joking term.

Not successfully, which was the point of my post.

Fair enough.
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Post » Mon May 13, 2013 10:54 pm

Yes, I almost forgot about the Kamal invading Skyrim/Morrowind.
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Sheila Reyes
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Post » Tue May 14, 2013 12:27 pm

Well Hammerfell technically got conquered too though they did receive the most special rights of any province next to Morrowind after the successful rebellion at Stros M'kai.

As for Morrowind , gotta hand it to those Dunmer they defeated the Reman Empire after 80 years of war by using the Morag Tong to assassinate Reman III and his heir as well as the Akaviri Potentate and they manage to get the most out of Tiber Septim's treaties.
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Elizabeth Lysons
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Post » Tue May 14, 2013 10:42 am

It was initially successful. They were able to come in force and do damage. They also occupied Morrowind for a short while before the majority of them retreated back to Black Marsh. Those that remained were pushed out by House Redoran.
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Post » Tue May 14, 2013 5:17 am

I don't know much about lore added by TES:O yet. So the Akaviri is new to me.

I didn't count Tiber because like you said, most Nords joined willingly. They weren't really conquered by a superior invading force.
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Post » Tue May 14, 2013 5:43 am

haha reading your post was like reading the lore history I just read. I totally agree with you

Good stuff bro
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Naazhe Perezz
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Post » Tue May 14, 2013 9:39 am

The Akaviri incursions into Skyrim were actually mentioned before TESO. TESO just went into more detail on it though I have to say I don't like the direction Zenimax Online is going with that game in Lore.
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Post » Mon May 13, 2013 9:14 pm

It was never made clear the level of success. Just that they lost. I agree, I'm not a big fan either.
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Post » Tue May 14, 2013 4:06 am

Well it did take either:

"The Akaviri invaders were killed when the land mysteriously became flooded. Despite the extensive flooding, almost no Dunmer people were injured or killed. Legend has it that the god Vivec taught the Dunmeri to breathe water and flooded the island.[16]"


"Another version of the event states that Ada'Soom Dir-Kamal landed in northeast Skyrim with an Akaviri army and proceeded to capture Windhelm. En route to Riften, Dir-Kamal learned it was protected by forces under Jorunn the Skald-King and Wulfharth the Ash-King, and bypassed that city in favor of attacking Mournhold. Dir-Kamal was then trapped between Jorunn's forces and a Dunmer army led by Almalexia; with the timely aid of a phalanx of Argonian troops, they drove the Akaviri invaders into the sea to drown.[14]"
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Post » Tue May 14, 2013 5:37 am

That part is part of the new lore from TESO. The Good Doctor was asking about the level of success of the Akaviri invasion based on sources before TESO added it's own.
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Pawel Platek
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Post » Mon May 13, 2013 9:49 pm

Well that leaves us with:

"The Akaviri invaders were killed when the land mysteriously became flooded. Despite the extensive flooding, almost no Dunmer people were injured or killed. Legend has it that the god Vivec taught the Dunmeri to breathe water and flooded the island.[16]"

For Vivec to flood the land... That seems like a significantly large threat.
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Isaiah Burdeau
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Post » Tue May 14, 2013 4:50 am

Ahhh Vivec.... always the over initiative one. I hope he survived the Red Year.
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Post » Mon May 13, 2013 8:07 pm

The Empire will win because this is a Bethesda game and they can't have genocidal bad guys winning a (second) war.

Hammerfell is the strongest province because they have already proven their mettle against the Dominion - alone and abandoned by the Empire. Skyrim is split in two and without the Dragonborn the civil war would last forever.
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Post » Tue May 14, 2013 1:02 am

I guess the Argonians of Black Marsh would outlast everyone. Their homeland protects them and the Hist would provide them the shapes and means they need to win.
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Post » Tue May 14, 2013 3:08 am

Uh House Redoran and the other great houses push the Argonians out of Morrowind as far as we know, the Argonians don't control Morrowind.

Anyway I'm going with Morrowind as being the one to win a war because right now the Dunmer are more united then they have been since the first era which to the enemies of the Dunmer is a scary thought because the Dunmer are renowned warriors and mages who have only really been conquered once in warfare and the Nords needed a god of luck to do that.
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carley moss
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Post » Tue May 14, 2013 6:27 am

The Empire is probably still stronger, since it has united all of the provinces as whole before. The outskirts of Black Marsh was united, but the middle-ish of the province wasn't really united.
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Post » Tue May 14, 2013 1:16 am

It united all those provinces through the power of a Dragonborn, a Dragon, A giant mecha robot powered by the life force of a god, the guidance of a legendary Nordic king who seems to die and then come back to life, and the support of opposing factions in each province. A child could practically conquer the world if they had all that.

Not to mention they never acutal conquered Morrowind and the whole legion ended up getting defeated in Hammerfell by an unarmoured brigand running around with a cutlass before Tiber Septim sued for peace.

In the Great War we saw the true power of the Empire and sufficient to say it is pretty darn comical.
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Caroline flitcroft
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Post » Tue May 14, 2013 5:03 am

The Empire was probably a little rusty.
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des lynam
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Post » Tue May 14, 2013 2:28 am

The Numidium's never actually been powered fully by the Heart; it's either never been fully active (Battle of Red Mountain), or powered by the Mantella (Zurin's brilliant creation). Tiber was given a very pretty golden statue by Vivec, and Zurin worked out how to make it work.

Tiber still couldn't conquer Tamriel with all of that, he still only signed a treaty with Morrowind (the Tribunal had already destroyed the Numidium once before) and didn't even bother to invade Black Marsh. It's why they say Vivec killed Tiber Septim because he killed the legend of a man who conquered Tamriel by forcing him into a treaty.

You're just being mean on the last point , the Mede Empire isn't the Septim one.
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Post » Mon May 13, 2013 8:41 pm

Bump. >_>

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Kit Marsden
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Post » Tue May 14, 2013 12:06 pm

Depends on who is fighting who, and if they are fighting a defensive war or an offensive one.

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Post » Mon May 13, 2013 8:44 pm

They all are fighting each other. No teams. It is like a free for all.

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Harry Leon
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Post » Tue May 14, 2013 11:53 am

Aldmeri dominion. Then either cyrodiil or skyrim.
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