» Tue May 14, 2013 4:06 am
Well it did take either:
"The Akaviri invaders were killed when the land mysteriously became flooded. Despite the extensive flooding, almost no Dunmer people were injured or killed. Legend has it that the god Vivec taught the Dunmeri to breathe water and flooded the island.[16]"
"Another version of the event states that Ada'Soom Dir-Kamal landed in northeast Skyrim with an Akaviri army and proceeded to capture Windhelm. En route to Riften, Dir-Kamal learned it was protected by forces under Jorunn the Skald-King and Wulfharth the Ash-King, and bypassed that city in favor of attacking Mournhold. Dir-Kamal was then trapped between Jorunn's forces and a Dunmer army led by Almalexia; with the timely aid of a phalanx of Argonian troops, they drove the Akaviri invaders into the sea to drown.[14]"