Has anyone else notice that the proximity alarm doesn't work at all? In fact, a lot of anything to do with sound is almost broken! Songs replaying themselves (like the start of a match 3 times over), songs playing over each other, and even songs that play on top of one another to make an annoying effect of crazy treble!!!
Updated post from Page 4 copy and pasted here:
Thanks for the input from everyone, glad to see this Topic is very active and the fact that I am not the only one with this problem!!! Hopefully the sound will get patched!
From where I last posted I:
-Upgraded the PA to it's second upgrade (need about 200 kills more for the third)
-Turned music audio from 80 to 5/10 (Still love you soundtrack, just right now you're bugging out on me)
-Turned dialog from 100 to 50
I notice, as some you said, that the sound to it has changed. The best way I can describe it is that is sounds like a very loose metal string being plucked from a guitar or a stringed instrument. But even with my 7.1 Turtlebeach DX11's I can barely hear it.
Other than the music needs fixing, here is my list for possible changes for Prox Alarm(PA) as it stands now:
-Revert back to the Multiplayer demo with a less "sound off" radius
-OR turn the sound up how is now by 5/10/15. In comparison to; if you turned the FX audio by X amount, you hear it that way. Example of IF it ends up being changed to something like +10. If I had my FX audio to 100 before the change, then after the change I turned the FX audio to 90, I should end up hearing the same audio level if presented to me. (I feel really confused as to describing what I am saying but hopefully you understand)
All and all it should be when changed X(X=FX level) + Y(Y=5/10/15 added to PA in comparison to now)
-Switch out the current video cue (the bars in the corner) for something like the Awareness Level from the campaign so that it can be easier to judge distances (white for far, yellow for mid-range, red for very close) Maybe as an 4th upgrade at 750 kills perhaps?
-Make the audio settings different from Campaign and Multiplayer. Just a minor nuisance to how important to fix everything else. I have my own audio settings for anything Multiplayer unlike Singleplayer which all is always 100 (MAXIMUM AUDIO!!!)
Hopefully Crytech you will take my kind ideas in to consideration and make the changes for the better!