I would like to request that all ps3-360 fans and disappointed customers NOT play C3 the 24th and 25th of March as a form of striking. Its been almost a month of missing dog tags, broken campaign with freeze issues, migration hell, lag even with the best connection available and ridiculous bugs that we know all to well. I myself haven't played for a while, I played 2 rounds yesterday checking for a patch, before that I went about 4 days without playing. I am a fan of the series, not a fan boy, its unacceptable that something as basic as dog tags has went unattended for a month. The last real info was dated the 28th of Feb with a list of complainants and bugs being "investigated" but still no ETA for a patch and they just keep saying still investigating. Im hoping to reach out to about 200 players on each platform to make a noticeable impact. No C3 for 2 days, im hoping this will motivate them to get the patch out before losing the whole fan base. I like the game but some of the bugs, lack of communication, lack of results and a dwindling online community are unacceptable and lazy! So join me to make C3 a better game and get CRYTEK off there lazy asses, join me to get results and help motivate them to release a much needed patch. Im not trying to hurt them, im trying to get them to do what needs to be done now not later! So please pop in a different game for 2 days, watch some netflix, spend time with friends and strike C3 for a new patch before the game dies out due to bad bugs. Get your friends and clans to participate for the greater good Of Crysis, thank you.
concerned fan